Sentences with phrase «holy soap box»

Not exact matches

We all have our days where we get on our soap box, fall into sin or we just ignore what the Holy Spirit is convicting us of and do what we think is «right» in our own minds.
I do nt quite understand your holier than though, soap box rhetoric but if you honestly believe the three abovementioned strikers are capable of leading us to Premier League and European titles than you probably need to spend less time lecturing Arsenal fans and a few additional minutes celebrating our 3rd place finish and embarrassing CL dismissal by Monaco.
Ok, all you holier - than - thou moms who just got on their soap box to preach about the ill - effects of television let me reassure you that my kids only watch what I allow them (and been pre-screened by me) and only for the recommended 2 hours a day (contrary to what you may have read in my What Not To Say To SAHM post).
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