Sentences with phrase «holy work»

In «Minor Heroics,» set in Israel, the brother of a wounded soldier remembers how disgruntled his brother felt by the American presence in his country: «There was nothing worse than guarding land he just wanted to give back, Asaaf was always saying, nothing worse than having one of those Americans stop by his station to tell him, in English, that he was doing holy work
Sometimes the most holy work we can do is listen to each other's stories and take their suffering into our hearts, carrying each other's burdens and wounds to Christ.
We are all engaged in holy work — the carpenter, the mama, the business person, the dad, the writer, the programmer — and we're all anointed for our life, chosen.
And then follow that anger all the way down to good hard and holy work.
By the very nature of midwifery, it is holy work that is done in secret and in intimacy.
The Jewish people supported their holy work with agricultural tithes and portions of their edible offerings.
Fifteen years ago, they had done this holy work for their father.
You become a self - appointed Crusader of Truth, whose mission is to do the holy work of policing the world, just in case God can't or won't.
My holy works will sustain me as I ignore everything this country used to enforce.
This is where I learned the holy work of waiting in the darkness, that the Holy Spirit is bright and alive in this moment not some far off moment, that our God is a mother and a father who comes to us out of the darkness and the cold to lift us up over and over and over again until we finally surrender to rest.
And today I have something to say to the ones who stay: you are doing good and holy work.
My own selfishness rising up again like somehow I think that I am above my own messes, above living my own life, above the holy work of this.
That is holy work.
We must recognize that the division among Christians damages the holy work of preaching the gospel to every creature and is a barrier for many in their approach to the faith.
Apart from the holy work of salvation on the cross, Christ was afflicted.
And only just now do I feel the community, only just now do I go to the store and see friends, do I gather at church meetings and services and anticipate conversations with friends, only now am I seeing the holy work of showing up, of praying out loud for real friends in real life.
So we'll keep up the holy work, however that looks, we'll keep worshipping, keep loving, keep making space for God in the world, and in each other for holy grace to fill.
No one ever mentioned the holy work of staying once in a while.
And part of that means making a way for God's Kingdom here, showing how the world, according to God's purposes would work, engaged in the holy work of restoration with a true Father - heart.
The work, the holy work, is to believe that somehow what is happening in that fog, that haze, that soup — if we will allow ourselves to sit in it and even invite Christ into it with us — is actually the whole point.
Instead of prompting us to cling to the certainty of the light that we know, Christ's resurrection sets us to the holy work of groping in the darkness of resurrection.
A friar is gathering papers and testimonies that will show how the inquisitions here on the border of France and Spain were God's holy work.
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