Sentences with phrase «home during infancy»

Identical twins share all their genes; fraternal twins share no more genes than normal siblings do, but they get exposed to the same environment in the womb and at home during infancy.
Evidence also suggested that the microbial environment in the home during infancy may be associated with asthma risk.

Not exact matches

Up to 1 - in - 10 babies will form allergies during their infancy, and traditional Moses baskets offer an ideal home for dust - mites and bacteria.
According to a survey, data suggests that being born at home, avoiding antibiotics during infancy and childhood, and being breast fed appear to be protective against C. difficile in adulthood.
Nurses completed an average of 6.5 (range: 0 — 17) home visits during pregnancy and 21 (range: 0 — 71) visits during infancy.
Women assigned to the paraprofessional group (n = 245) were provided the screening and referral services plus paraprofessional home visitation during pregnancy and infancy (the first 2 years of the child's life).
Consistent with our earlier report, 10 there were significantly fewer child maltreatment reports involving the mother as perpetrator (P =.01) or involving the study child (P =.04) for families receiving home visitations during pregnancy and infancy vs families not receiving home visitation.
Programs That Work: Nurse Family Partnership Promising Practices Network & RAND Corporation (2009) Describes the goals of the Nurse - Family Partnership program (previously named the Prenatal and Infancy Nurse Home Visitation Program) that provides home visits by registered nurses to first - time mothers, beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the child's second birthHome Visitation Program) that provides home visits by registered nurses to first - time mothers, beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the child's second birthhome visits by registered nurses to first - time mothers, beginning during pregnancy and continuing through the child's second birthday.
Results Families receiving home visitation during pregnancy and infancy had significantly fewer child maltreatment reports involving the mother as perpetrator (P =.01) or the study child as subject (P =.04) than families not receiving home visitation.
During the prenatal - to - infancy period interventions such as nurse home visitation programs have been shown to reduce children's early emotional vulnerability23 and decrease later criminal and substance use behaviour among high risk groups, 24 although the nature of the specific maternal at - risk factors has varied across studies.
Voluntary home visiting programs offers young, at - risk parents the opportunity to pair with a trained professional who provides home - based coaching during pregnancy and infancy.
A infancy of Americans are renting on a inexpensive — during least, compared to what they'd be profitable if they bought a home.
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