Sentences with phrase «home from school hungry»

Kids may come home from school hungry because they did not eat lunch.
They may even come home from school hungry because they skipped lunch to avoid bullying.
To the Adults in my Daughter's Life, Today, my 9 year old little girl came home from school hungry.

Not exact matches

When kids come home from school it seems they are always hungry.
I used to make Fresh fruit crisp a lot when my kids were small and came home hungry from school.
Others (including me) told of how their kids came home hungry every day, or finished their lunches on the walk home from school.
Since kids should eat every few hours, when they get home from school they're hungry!
Children are hungry when they get home from school.
Do you have hungry kids when they come home from school?
This is a huge help at noon time, when things are chaotic after getting home from school with a hungry babe, a kindergartener excited to tell me every detail of his day, and a 3 year old that is ravenous.
I used to make Fresh fruit crisp a lot when my kids were small and came home hungry from school.
A few superhuman teachers may lift a handful of children who come to school from barely literate homes, hungry, in poor health, and otherwise unprepared for academic instruction.
If you can fulfill your traffic school online requirement from home or go to a Hungry Horse hotel room for an entire day, which sounds more convenient?
If they start to frequently come home hungry, or start to ask for more food or lunch money to take to school, it could potentially be a sign that their food is being taken from them.
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