Sentences with phrase «home in a particular church»

The now Wilsons WERE members of this church, and people join churches because they feel at home in a particular church, they believe the doctrines taught by that particular denomination, and other reasons, so evidently this couple felt at home in this church.

Not exact matches

I quite agree that the new Christian immigration is very diverse, and many of the new arrivals might well be comfortable with the church — state arrangements they find in the U.S. Mexicans in particular have a long tradition of official church — state separation in their home country, however often the principle is violated in practice.
Holy matrimony deals first with God and God's church, but it deals also with a particular woman and a particular man who come together «in the presence of God and these witnesses» to ask for our blessing to have sex, make a home together, conceive and nurture children, be faithful and ask forgiveness when unfaithful, disagree over the budget, argue over politics, and have sex.
In particular, Oppenheimer points out the reality that both the NFL and Christian churches make their home on Sundays, «and 50 years into [the] national experiment of mixing the two, it is not at all clear that faith has won the day.»
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