Sentences with word «homebirther»

I must say I get pretty angry at homebirthers who think they are crunchy.
Not because of her support of hospitals (I like them for sick people), not b / c she's bashing homebirthers as egoists, but b / c she hasn't read any facts about homebirth before she put her opinion out there.
Therefore this class is appropriate for homebirthers and planned natural births alongside planned medicated or high - risk births.
But I'd love to hear from homebirthers and hospital moms alike.
It sounds suitably pseudo-scientific, I suppose, to reassure homebirthers.
As one homebirth mother, who was a veteran homebirther and prominent in the homebirth community, said at an inquest into the death of her baby last year, «If you are the «one», it's forever.
If I post this everywhere, homebirthers everywhere will demand a source or dismiss it.
May we all have productive discussions on how to best convince homebirthers that hospital birth can fulfill their wish for a birth experience while providing safety in the event of complications.
I received more «shaming» from fellow homebirthers than I did from the medical community!
I was also the first homebirther, the first Mormon, the first stay at home mom, the second to be college educated, the first to go to graduate school, the first to... the first to... the first to... I never thought of doing anything different than to breastfeed.
The most hurtful thing has been the hardcore homebirthers who tell me when I share their story that being under the care of an OB at the hospital would have been worse (pretty sure my SIL would have rather had a c - section and a live baby than a 24 + hour labor, massive tearing, and a dead baby).
Experienced homebirther, midwife arrives an hour after birth, parents discuss several concerns about baby, midwife explains it all away and it seems plausible.
So speaking as one crunchy believer in modern medicine, I'd like to ask homebirthers to save their annoying proclaimations for other arrogant fools and to stop giving crunchy people a black eye.
All of the nurses were really surprised, they said it was unusual for homebirthers to be so easily convinced.
I actually think that for many homebirthers, knowing that they are five minutes from the hospital is reassuring and allows them to feel better about choosing to give birth at home.
I think there are two types of homebirthers... those who think it's really better and those who believe in the woo.
This article explores the links between our culture's mythological technocratic model of birth and the body images, individual belief and value systems, and birth choices of forty middle - class women — 32 professional women who accept the technocratic paradigm, and eight homebirthers who reject it.
I am so proud of you, so glad to be a sister - homebirther to you.
Make peace — and let the homebirthers share their knowledge and help women reclaim birth.
Waiting to see just how many homebirthers will run to support this one.
Maybe the homebirthers would say she cheated me out of an unassisted birth experience?
It's the homebirthers who refuse to follow best practices evidence based medicine because they trust birth and what their bodies were intended to do.
It's like the homebirthers cheering that ACOG promotes VBACs and VBA2C.
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