Sentences with phrase «homemade version»

I love making homemade versions of pricey store - bought items, like homemade coconut butter, homemade coconut milk, or homemade almond butter.
But that doesn't mean we've stopped eating all of our favorite ethnic foods, we simply make homemade versions instead!
Recipes for homemade versions of both are included below.
I've been on a mission the past year to slowly replace my store - bought cleaning, bath, and beauty products with homemade versions made from non-toxic ingredients and essential oils.
I like homemade versions much better than store bought for most everything because I feel like homemade items are usually of better quality and I enjoy the process of making my own stuff.
That, and I love cooking / baking, so if I can make a a healthier homemade version of something, I'm all in!
As usual, I love making my own homemade versions of things so decided to experiment a little.
I love love love homemade versions of mass produced foods.
Avoid chemical - based pesticides and weed killers as much as possible and try your hand with natural homemade versions instead.
If you like the kind of vegetarian baked beans that come in a can, you're sure to love this yummy, quick homemade version even more.
For super quick assembly, this recipe calls for frozen meatballs — but you can sub in your favorite homemade version too.
You can skip the store bought cheesecake this year and opt for this simple and delicious homemade version.
A delicious and super easy homemade version of condensed cream of chicken soup.
Here are 14 of my favorite homemade versions of some famous restaurant dishes.
Butter chicken is one of our absolute favourite Indian dishes but sadly, the restaurant version is so unhealthy that I've avoided ordering it relying entirely on homemade versions.
I also prefer homemade version made totally from scratch.
First things first - create homemade versions of foods that regularly have sugar.
* Can be substituted with a store bought or homemade version free of these ingredients.
There are two reasons people may not enjoy homemade versions of green smoothies or green juices.
If you like the kind of vegetarian baked beans that come in a can, you're sure to love this yummy, quick homemade version even more.
I was going to try my hand at a more authentic homemade version of salad cream but opted for something a bit lighter!
I enjoy using my favorite all - natural, organic and gluten - free ingredients in this hearty homemade version, but substitutions are always welcome.
Celebrate with this decadent homemade version of everyone's favorite Indian restaurant dish.
And since this recipe has only 3 grams of fat (versus the 9 grams or more in many homemade versions), you won't have to turn down seconds!
This recipe makes a lot of soup, so I am excited to freeze some and be able to enjoy this yummy homemade version of one of my favorite soups anytime I want.
Although you can use a bottle of store - bought dressing, if you have a few simple ingredients on hand you can make an outstanding homemade version quickly and easily.
If you like raspberry vinaigrette, try this natural homemade version.
It's the semi homemade version, because sometimes even I don't want to make everything from scratch.
You may need more than one but fortunately good posts are not too expensive and well - constructed homemade versions can do just as well.
I love soups with them, but they can be very hard to find, so I would love a recipe for homemade version.
In fact, this was my testing ground when I was experimenting with homemade versions.
I can't wait to make this healthy homemade version for him instead!
So put away that box of mac and cheese and get ready to create your own homemade version.
It can get so expensive to buy jar after jar at the store, so this easy homemade version is perfect!
If you are a fan of French dressing (or perhaps even if you aren't), try this healthier homemade version instead.
You can really use just about any hot cocoa mix in this recipe; either store - bought or your favorite homemade version will taste delicious!
My version includes a quick homemade version of bean chili and a creamy, cauliflower - based cheese sauce.
I've always thought that homemade versions of classic recipes taste much better than store - bought versions, and cranberry sauce is a perfect example of this.
Love doing homemade versions of things like Hamburger Helper Sagan recently posted..
We can't say enough good things about homemade versions of Asian takeout staples.
Sauerkraut is very inexpensive to make yourself and it has more cultures since there is no pasteurization in homemade versions.
This essentially put commercial brands on the same level as homemade versions, which are notorious for leaving filmy residues.
I like homemade versions much better than store bought for most everything because... Continue reading →
I took the time to learn how to make my own berbere paste because I've long adored Ethiopian food; but homemade versions seemed to always fall flat.
Panera's tomato soup is one of our favorite restaurant soups — so glad you're loving this easy peasy homemade version — thank you Anna!
I think it's best to refrigerate nut butters — the oil content in nuts are fragile and can become rancid (especially homemade versions with no preservatives).
To get more peanutty goodness — and a tastier homemade version of it — blitz up peanuts, sugar, and salt and stuff it into a huge tart pan lined with chocolate.

Phrases with «homemade version»

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