Sentences with word «homogeny»

Increased homogeny of head shapes in the late LIP suggests that modification practices contributed to the creation of a new collective identity, and while cranial modification consolidated prior social boundaries, the author argues that the standardization of these practices may have exacerbated emerging social differences.
I feel this attitude stems from the fact that clients are being swamped with an abundance of creative material, way beyond that of general internet browsing, and as a consequence, this process is breeding a culture of homogeny in our industry.
«The increased homogeny of head shapes suggests that modification practices contributed to the creation of a new collective identity and may have exacerbated emerging social differences,» Velasco said.
What appeared to be diversity from the outside was a thin veil for homogeny on the inside.
And though we may have outlived the era of punks vs. jocks food fights, the truth is that many of us have maintained a similar homogeny in our friendships as we venture into adulthood.
But when it comes to new open - world games, most aren't as unique or successful as Horizon, and it's led to an overwhelming feeling of homogeny within the genre.
It might also be the thematically richest of the three, a story about aging and coming to terms with a history you can't shake even as time has passed you by, and a story about homogeny — the corporatization of our small - town haunts, and our history, and eventually of thought and behavior at the expense of all those delightful and frustrating contradictions that make human beings what they are — and what a shame that is.
And though there was no acquisition as splashy as the $ 17.5 million shelled out for The Birth of a Nation last year, some of the biggest stories told at Sundance 2017 were well outside of Hollywood's usual homogeny, and give viewers plenty of reasons to be excited for the year in cinema outside of the expected superheroes, sequels, and superhero sequels.
It is high on drama — both visual and dynamic — and it exhibits a total homogeny of parts that's a rare joy to experience.
Sadly, as well as the plethora of features and lines, the separate arches (that can be painted to match the body or in a contrasting colour), stuck - on rear wing and fussy lower body trim mean that the Urus's design doesn't quite have the same homogeny and crafted detail as other Lamborghinis.
I feel it's down to the general homogeny in the industry.
It is, of course, a naïve impulse: flatten time, flatten context, and you will find that little but homogeny remains — of violence, vibrancy, faith and all the raw banality that mopes between.
In just a few short years the technology lawyers use has shifted homogeny of PCs and BlackBerries to a diverse mix of PCs, Macs, iPads and iPhones.
But for a film set in such a heavily stylised world, especially one created by sci - fi author J.G. Ballard, homogeny is everything.
The cynical person that I am assumed group think and the homogeny of the pack would give us the usual suspects, but the OFCS blessedly included some curveballs and left of field choices that should make the AFI and other singularly Oscar - hunting awards bodies look foolish.
Any film interpretation could have added layers breaking the homogeny of Hollywood romance.
Perhaps it's that lack of homogeny to the overall interior design, perhaps it's the bright chrome trim to each and every button and toggle switch, but the whole seems inordinately busy; A Pin - the - Toggle - on - the - Dashboard party game...
There is less conversation about the racial diversity — or homogeny — of game developers.
This is the first study to analyse the association between maternal height and preterm birth by examining the homogeny of maternal origin.
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