Sentences with phrase «homosexual activists»

But it turned out that an extreme feminism is only one form of something with an interesting history and much wider influence, especially now that it has been taken up by homosexual activists.
In the dominant view of homosexual activists, however.
But on the seventh point, having to do with sexuality and personal identity, homosexual activists appear to be of different minds.
Thus, by abandoning the man — woman distinction in favor of the heterosexual — homosexual distinction, homosexual activists demand not parenthood (paternity or maternity) but the right to some new abstract parental status that reduces the role of the «parent» to the exercise of certain functions such as education.
Homosexual activists insist that they can not change their orientation, and that studies purporting to show that some homosexuals are able to change their orientation are largely fraudulent.
That is what Jesse Jackson did to liberal politics in the past, and what homosexual activists and pro-abortionists succeeded in doing in 1992.
Gilbert Baker is said to have gotten the idea for the rainbow flag from this flag in borrowing it from the Hippie movement of that time largely influenced by pioneering homosexual activist Allen Ginsberg.
But there is a difference between civilized censorship and spineless pandering to ideological terrorists, which is what the more aggressive homosexual activists have become.
Homosexual activists like the playwright Larry Kramer and the writer Gabriel Rotello, author of Sexual Ecology — an important weaving together of ecology theory, epidemiology, and sexual politics — have been ferociously attacked by their fellow gay activists for publicly acknowledging that AIDS results as much from human behaviors as from specific microbes.
It will be recalled that Mr. Rooney incurred the wrath of homosexual activists when he said on the program that «homosexual union» «along with too much alcohol, too much food, drugs, and cigarettes» is «known to lead quite often to premature death.»
«How many married same - sex parenting studies financed by homosexual activists use random sampling again?»
[66] According to The Atlantic Monthly, the race «featured a rumor that she was a lesbian, along with a rare instance of such a tactic's making it into the public record — when a regional chairman of the Bush campaign allowed himself, perhaps inadvertently, to be quoted criticizing Richards for «appointing avowed homosexual activists» to state jobs».
Some Ward 5 residents today found a message in their mailbox from council candidate Delano Hunter: «Thousands of dollars from homosexual activists outside Ward 5 are attacking Delano Hunter because he supports our right to vote on whether the District legalizes «gay marriage,»» reads the mailer, which illustrates a river of cash flowing from «New York City» and «San Francisco» into the ward.
Given the doubtfulness of Kinsey's data, and given the propensity of homosexual activists to count as a homosexual anyone who has ever had a homoerotic fantasy, it would seem that some media accounts of homosexuality and the Catholic priesthood are greatly exaggerated.
On the matter of self and fulfillment, John Boswell, a Yale historian who has written some of the major texts employed by homosexual activists, asserts, «Not only is homosexual eroticism the oldest and most persistent strand in the Christian theology of romantic love, but Christian religious life was the most prominent gay life - style in Western Europe from the early Middle Ages to the Reformation, about two - thirds of the period since Europe became Christian.»
But if there weren't something to the idea of biological relatedness, why would homosexual activists be celebrating this advance?
Homosexual activists have abused the word «hate» to marginalize traditional Christians.
We take no particular pleasure in engaging the militant feminists and homosexual activists, the Nietzschean deconstructionists and relativists, the enemies of traditional morality and religious faith; indeed, the ongoing conflict with our various utopians and Gnostics is dirty business from which no one emerges with entirely clean hands or uncoarsened sensibilities.
The purpose of my book, Making Gay Okay, is to see what natural reason can tell us about human sexuality and flourishing, most particularly in light of the claims of homosexual activists.
Perhaps it will come as news to Giberson and Stephens, but the idea that counseling groups like the APA have been mau - maued by homosexual activists isn't exactly news.
But the term was immediately extended to apply to anyone who opposed the homosexual activist agenda in any way.
The only people that are concerned with the same sex «marriage» (sic) question at the federal level in the REPUBLICAN primary race are Democrats and homosexual activists.
that homosexual activists have succeeded in taking a private business hostage.
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