Sentences with phrase «hooked on alcohol»

But a study on lab rats who got hooked on alcohol and were then put through detox, showed that one particular protein was responsible for the retention and revival of these memories.
I kind of think it is the least we could do for them seeing as how we stole their land, gave them blankets covered in disease, hooked them on alcohol, massacred the buffalos, do I need to go on?!? Oh, I forgot the whole slaughtering them for their lands thing.

Not exact matches

If teens expect they will meet up with peers on whom they have crushes or with whom they would like to «hook up,» they use alcohol to temporarily ease their anxiety and facilitate interaction.
On the other hand, for one reason or another, you might be hooked to detrimental addictions such as fast food, alcohol, caffeine or even smoking, to mention but a few.
If a minor child consumes alcohol at a house party where parents either provided the alcohol or allowed it and then gets behind the wheel and is injured, the host parents are on the hook.
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