Sentences with phrase «hopes of a better life»

By all reports, pessimism and near - despair grip liberationists today, who see on the horizon very little indeed that offers hope of a better life to the poor of Latin America.
Often prayer, the hope of a better life, and friends in the Church, are the only relief suffering people have.
It's also the first stop for many new urbanites, the droves of villagers flocking to the capital in hopes of a better life.
They left everything they knew to come out west in hopes of a better life.
Taking its cue from actual events, the drama stars newcomer George Kosturos as Ali Jahani, who has arrived at the Petaluma home of his stern Uncle Hafez (played by the movie's inspiration, Ali Afshar, who is also a producer) in the hope of a better life.
He leaves Chicago behind as he moves his family to Beverly Hills in hope of a better life.
Knowing she can hardly afford the rent on their modest home, Harriet doesn't want to fill Phiona's mind with hopes of a better life she can not give her.
Papatakis's most accessible, gripping, and poignant work is a meticulously crafted, intimate meditation on immigration and exile centering on a 26 - year - old Greek man fresh out of prison (where he was tortured for being a communist's son) who leaves for France in hopes of a better life, and where he strikes up a complicated friendship with a distant relative.
I do agree that the stories help keep memories alive, preserving the history and motivating the travelers to keep going with the hope of a better life to come.
But the financial stress of pet ownership caused them to be abandoned or surrender with the hope of a better life.
It's the apocalypse so head on up to Canada in the hopes of a better life like so many Americans already do.
Many young people have seen their parents struggle to support the families in the countryside, and therefore move to cities in hopes of a better life and a completely different career.
Their efforts bring hope of a better life to vulnerable and conflicted societies throughout the world.
When a gathering has to happen, they are either put up for adoption in hopes of a better life, or put into long term holding facilities (which are 200 + acres each) until their natural habitat has grown back and they can be returned.

Not exact matches

Ultimately, as Gupta and Chen achieve brand recognition and drive demand for NatureBox products, they hope to begin stocking the shelves of grocery stores: «We really do see this brand living not just online, but offline as well,» Gupta explains.
The complete post is well worth reading in full if you're feeling a little at sea at your new school (or if you're hoping to offer some guidance to the college student in your life), but here are a few of his tips in brief in get you started.
These are the some of the sales books that have changed my life, I hope they will change yours as well.
They conduct «live product searches» for corporations so they can see the best of hundreds (or thousands) of products submitted in hopes they will choose one to manufacture.
«Simply creating a level playing field for competition and then passively hoping that growth will happen may not be the best approach,» concluded Drummond and his co-authors in a paper published by the Centre for the Study of Living Standards in September.
Jackson gave Shaq a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddartha, a fictional account of the life of Buddha, with the hope that it might make the goofy young centre think about his relationship with material possessions, creating a spiritual change that would, in the end, make him a better player.
cheers Gates, who notes, «I hope in 2018 there will be even more of them because a college degree is a proven ticket to a life of higher income and better opportunity.»
I hope I have instilled in each of you the values that have blessed me in this life and rewarded me with this extraordinary sense of accomplishment and a confidence that you can break rules and make things work for the better.
Just hoping things will turn out well stops us from making tough choices, believing the best about others can get you taken advantage of, and a failure to look at the world as it truly is can be harmful to both your business and your personal life.
Ashley now shares her story, tips, and easy vegan recipes in hopes of encouraging others to live a life that is not only kind their own bodies, but to the animals and planet as well!
When she is asked what she hopes for in her life, Ms. Xiao, an upwardly mobile member of a two career family making about 60,000 RMB / year (approximately $ 10,000), wants the same things we all want: good health for her family, a steady and challenging job, a better life for her 16 - month old baby than she had.
If that's the case then the portfolio's asset allocation reflects the fact that you can take more risk on the equity side — in the hope of better returns — as long as you're not banking on those returns to enable you to live.
I came to Montreal, as an international student, with the hope of building a better life for myself.
«Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth» are found outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: «the written Word of God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements.
As for me, I am done here, I am going to enjoy this beautiful holiday with my family, and hope that some good in this life shines upon some of you... Whatever it is about believers that brings out your hate, I hope you resolve it soon...
But I am okay, and if people believe that is going to be all good once they are Christians, what they will probably find is that life will get hard and seem impossible regardless, but somehow in the mix, after we are spit out the other side of the tough stuff, we notice He is still there, and in «that» there is hope.
(2) Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them).
As our family went through the loss of my son's good friend in a tragic accident last week, we remarked on how terribly difficult it was, and how impossibly difficult it must be for atheists to go through the trials of life without the faith and hope to guide them through.
As well, we remember that we have been blessed in the past with the gift of prophecy, that is, speaking the truth and speaking compassionately and candidly into people's lives with words of hope, courage and love.
... well the same logic applys to god... i enjoy dropping these logic bombs on people and see how they react and hope that maybe that logic bomb will eventually set up a chain reaction in their consciousness... or maybe I am an egotistical f c k who just likes to have an unassaiable argument which with to beat others over the head with... maybe I am wrong to do so because the Human Condition is so cold and bleak in its finality that people need the cushion of god to go on with their everyday lives.
I applaud what he is doing and hope that he brings others to God throught the torture and bloody human sacrifice of his son (himself, actually) where he died (well, for a few hours anyway) for us all (at least so the story goes) so that we may live with him in heaven (a great place for which no evidence or photographs exist) until the end of time.
You'd better HOPE there's an afterlife that's worth the sum of the lost opportunities you've had in this life.
I'd rather live my life honestly, and be good to my fellow man, and live with a sense of wonder as to what it all means, and hope someday I get the answer.
The biblical good news also tells us about how God wants to rule and reign over all aspects of life, how there is nothing beyond the scope of redemption, how there is hope for the future, a source of joy and gladness to be had, true community to be experienced, and peace to be introduced.
And when I hear the shackled stream, shedding its icy iron chains, begin to live its dormant dream and sing its rivulet refrains, a hope wells up that there will come another spring of Christendom.
Our land in which our ancestors came to in hopes of establishing a better standard of living.
I hope he finds, like I did, that he can live good life, with a moral code based on real things like, common sense, practicality, being a part of a community, the environment, everything.
I wanted to dance in a swirl of indigo and gold, in red and kelly green, because in the midst of all the craziness of this world and all of the work there is to do it's a holy thing to take a minute of your life to say Oh, God, you're beautiful you're as good as we dare to hope right alongside of a bunch of kids.
In my day job as the editor of The Englewood Review of Books, I've staked my life and work on the hope that reading carefully and well will undoubtedly transform...
They love their families and hope and dream of a better life for them.
your lost... and missing the best part of life... The joy of Gods love... if you think you do nt need it, you are truley lost... doing good things is great but the love of God is is an unfathomable joy that I hope you find.
Her life, which 9 years ago, was full of hope and endless [wonderfully good] possibilities, has been nearly destroyed by this «whatever it is».
Most persons live in quiet conformity, carried along with the stream of events which catch them up, adapting to what comes, appropriating conventional ideas and ideals, variously loving, hating, living and letting live, doing the best they ordinarily can, hoping for the best.
Religion is the last hope of under educated people to hold on to some mystical belief of a better life after death.
I truly hope that the remainder of his life is fulfilling and that one day he can have the hope to know that after he passes he will be in a better place
Job thought he had a good case to argue before God but the heart of it is our hearts are deceitfully wicked no matter how good we have lived we are still sinners and certainly do not deserve the grace of God.In the book of Job there are some real jewels especially why we do suffer satans plan is to destroy us but Gods plan is to build our faith hope and love towards him in our time of suffering.brentnz
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