Sentences with phrase «hoping warm temps»

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Hoping you and hubs are keeping warm with those freezing temps around!
:) Hope you enjoy every beautiful bit of your upcoming weekend, from warmer temps to cheering on your team!
With the warmer temps lately I am hoping to take Aria on her first outing to the mall to do some shopping.
I PICKED A PRETTY BLUE AND GREEN SHADE OF PUMPKIN, HOPING TO MAKE MY FALL DECORATING A LITTLE CHEAPER THIS YEAR!First off I'll start by telling you we had a 55 degree day on Sunday so I made the best of the warm temps, which felt like a summer's day here in the mitten state.
definitely a must if you have any hope of keeping warm in these below freezing temps.
I hope you all are having a beautiful week — I am enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps with some walks and park dates with my little babe.
I hope those of you up north are not loosing hope for the warmer temps to finally hit your areas.
Peter Sinclair: Sherwood's paper shoots more holes into lingering hopes that climate sensitivity, the amount of warming we expect for a given rise in CO2, might be lower than we thought — that maybe temp rises could be more moderate in the future.
I hope all of you are starting to experience some warmer spring temps like we are here in NC!
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