Sentences with phrase «horizontal force»

Fast athletes over 30, 40 and 50 meters can apply horizontal force to the ground at faster speeds.
Basin formation would result from vertical and horizontal forces on the lithosphere and basin filling from resulting patterns of sediment generation and transport (see Figure 3).
However, due to the force vectors involved in this movement, along with applying the principle of specificity, I'd also include another rotational movement that creates a more horizontal force vector to load you in a way this particular exercise doesn't.
The lower body position likely helps produce the greater horizontal force vector, and the higher strength levels make it easier to adopt these more flexed joint angles while exerting high forces.
«You don't have the large horizontal forces like you do with a suspension bridge.»
The second reason is based on research conducted by Southern Methodist University, presented by Jonas and Dr Paul Brice which suggests that it is not horizontal force, but vertical force that is the major distinguisher for sprinting speed both within individuals and between individuals.
What is more, the associations between horizontal force production and accelerating sprinting ability are often extremely strong.
This was based on the observation that vertical forces are greater than horizontal forces during running (because gravity causes you to accelerate downwards much faster than you can accelerate horizontally).
In the Just Fly Performance Podcast, French researcher JB Morin talks about how Olympic weightliters are incredibly fast over a short distance, say 20 yards, but after this, they start to slow down significantly, because they can no longer apply horizontal force to the ground effectively; all power is being used up to supply the vertical force requirements.
When programming exercises, we tend to refer to vertical force vectors as axial force vectors and horizontal force vectors as anteroposterior force vectors.
The circular suckers withstood seven times more horizontal force than the primitive spatula - shaped structures and offered stronger long - term underwater adhesion, the team reports online today in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
As the player takes the last step toward the basket, the supporting leg must take the full bodyweight and stop the horizontal force of the run up.
If a pendulum hangs straight down, it takes a horizontal force on the bob to set it swinging.
The pull - through relies on horizontal forces that match the way your glutes actually function and work directly against the forces that want to flex your hips.
Firstly the direction of force; certainly there is no horizontal force production occurring in the lower body.
Faster athletes exerted more force horizontally (and not vertically) in the propulsive phase, so they accelerate faster back in the reverse direction, suggesting that a horizontal force vector is very important for determining COD ability, just as for accelerating linear sprinting.
They appear to be essential for the development of horizontal force, which is needed to accelerate and maintain maximal speed (Morin et al. 2015), as well as the absorption of energy during the swing phase of gait (Schache et al. 2011; 2015).
On a completely level tire (0 camber), when a horizontal force is applied...
The missing «slip angle» column is also important: the horizontal force in the example is a cornering force, not a braking force.
On a completely level tire (0 camber), when a horizontal force is applied to the rubber, it rolls, causing the inner edge of the contact patch on the outer wheel (and the outer edge on the inner wheel) to lift, reducing the size of the contact patch, and subsequently grip.
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