Sentences with phrase «hormonal influence»

I have never supported young age altering, and retrospective studies are now showing that the loss of hormonal influence at an age of ten or 12 weeks is detrimental.
The hormonal influence of an intact dog greatly increases the probability of breaking away for unsupervised roaming, and therefore greatly increases the risk of injury to your dog.
This hormonal influence ultimately causes point mutations in the genes of the breast tissue cells that dictate tumor growth.
Genetics, diet, hormonal influence, and environmental factors are all believed to contribute to the development of hip dysplasia.
If you spay a dog before its first heat you'll reduce the chance of mammary cancer eight-fold, just because of the hormonal influence.
This is the most common time a person wakes up and is due to many reasons, but most often from a hormonal influence.
The hormonal influence in Lupus is also seen in exposure to xenoestrogens, natural or chemical components that imitate estrogen.
These traits are rooted in hormonal influences, contributed especially during the early stages of fetal development.
Such prenatal hormonal influences are not genetic per se, but are inborn, natural, and biologic nevertheless.
Erik, I totally agree with you, the hormonal influences, along with the society's influences is exactly what advocates, these gay behaviors.
When the first period returns depends upon several factors: how frequently the baby is nursing, how often the baby is supplemented with bottles, whether or not the baby takes a pacifier, how long the baby is sleeping at night, whether or not solids have been introduced, and the mother's own individual body chemistry and the way it responds to hormonal influences associated with breastfeeding.
«There are a several factors that inform speech and language acquisition and skill level — one of which is hormonal influences that impact brain development in early childhood, particularly during the first three years of life.»
These skin changes are due to hormonal influences on the skin pigment cells in these areas.»
We work with a Birthing from Within exercise, and learn to understand the hormonal influences on the stages of labor.
In conclusion, Sarah Buckley's «Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing» is an impressive exploration of the major hormonal influences underlying all aspects of the labor and birth process.
Cognitive variations between the sexes reflect differing hormonal influences on brain development.
Nadler believes the research suggests the need to consider hormonal influences on decision making in professional settings because biological factors can exacerbate capital risk for firms and market risk for all participants.
«Although our study's results may in part be explained by joint injuries associated with high - level physical activity in those with a lower 2D: 4D and the greater susceptibility of knee OA in response to injury than hip OA, they may also reflect hormonal influences on the growth of bone, cartilage, and soft tissue, which warrants further investigation.»
The researchers will now explore other contexts and hormonal influences that could increase homoerotic motivation in men and women.
«We haven't even begun to touch on hormonal influences» or the effects of aging on both nutrient supply and the activity of enzymes that use the nutrients, she adds.
Eliminate (or experiment with) hormonal influences on your skin.
Another possible factor that could make weight loss and weight maintenance difficult for women with PCOS is abnormal hormonal influences that regulate appetite and satiety.
Unlike the «old days», thankfully today there is an increased understanding of the natural hormonal influences on the body and mind of the 21st century woman.
I was particularly interested in the hormonal influences on mental health and body composition (muscle mass and body fat) and what we can do to improve our hormonal status.
If you are involved in heavy catabolic exercises like aerobics or running, you will not have the hormonal influences to build muscle.
Dr. Lara Spector, ND discusses natural ways to help acne, an often frustrating skin condition that can be caused by hormonal influences, dietary factors, as well as bacteria imbalances.
Impact: Hormonal influences at critical periods may contribute to morphologic differences in the breast associated with breast cancer risk later in life.
Genetics, environmental factors, and possibly even hormonal influences in early life could play a role, although the debate over how and why rages in intellectual circles.
However, infidelity or cheating could also result from, at least partially, underlying biological and hormonal influences.

Not exact matches

While most of us have higher cortisol levels in the morning, different people's hormones rise and fall at different times, and medications like hormonal birth control pills and medical conditions like obesity can influence when an individual's levels are highest.
Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.
So, while it is too simple to simply claim people are «born that way» (sexuality doesn't emerge until adolescence), of the potential factors — genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences — the first three are going to be determined before birth by the genetic and chemical characteristics of the individual.
Stress and hormonal levels are other factors which influence the bacterial diversity in breast milk.
However, it does suggest that the process of labor, perhaps the hormonal or other physiological changes, may influence the microbiome.
Additionally, I will provide information to address any physical, hormonal, or anatomical issues that could influence breastfeeding and deliver a breastfeeding care plan to you and your physician.
«The circadian rhythm of the hormonal release thus influences the way we react to carbohydrates,» said endocrinologist Pfeiffer, who heads the Department of Clinical Nutrition at DIfE.
These influences, along with hormonal ones — such as levels of estrogen and testosterone — affect brain development, shaping male and female differences in physiology and behavior that continue to unfold as we age.
Treatment with TNF - α antagonists and hormonal contraceptive devices may also influence risk of cervical neoplasia in Crohn's disease.
To see if phthalate exposure might influence this developmental period, Skakkebaek and his colleagues investigated how the amount of phthalates in breast milk correlated with a baby's hormonal profile.
«Recent work by other groups has shown that bile acids act as signalling molecules in the host, almost like a hormonal network, with an ability to influence host metabolism.
Compounds produced by microbes either cause changes in the gut directly or pass into the host's bloodstream and influence the central nervous system, possibly through neural, hormonal and immune pathways5.
At the most basic level, mirror neurons — in the form of empathy with Palin — may have temporarily dazzled swing female voters, says neuropsychiatrist Louann Brizendine, author of the 2006 book The Female Brain, which explores hormonal and other influences on the brains of women and girls.
So, whereas the typical person might think of their «environment» as their house, or their neighborhood - scientists trying to understand the factors that influence the development of schizophrenia define environment to include everything from the social, nutritional, hormonal and chemical environment in the womb of the mother during pregnancy, up to the social dynamics and stress a person is exposed to, to street drug use, education, virus exposure, vitamin use, and any other factor that could possibly be involved with the development of schizophrenia.
So, whereas the typical person might think of their «environment» as their house, or their neighborhood - scientists trying to understand the factors that influence the development of schizophrenia define environment to include everything from the social, nutritional, hormonal and chemical environment in the womb of the mother during pregnancy, up to the social dynamics and stress a person experiences, to street drug use, education, virus exposure, vitamin use, and much, much more.
And your desire for sex can be influenced by an incredible range of internal and external factors — age, physical health, relationship status, substance abuse issues, medications, stress, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, etc..
It is also known that sleep has influence on hormonal production.
Online bodybuilding gurus constantly advocate specific methods for structuring your training to get the most out of your hormonal environment and diet programs seem to emphasize the influence of certain foods and meal timing on hormone activity more than ever.
Through my clinical experience helping hundreds of women get pregnant and through my own hormonal imbalance journey, I've come up with 13 factors that can influence your fertility health — for those of you that I don't get to see face - to - face in my office:
Also, caffeine and alcohol should be reduced because they influence the hormonal balance.
But other hormonal changes and environmental influences can impact your BBT as well: «We also know that basal body temperature can increase because of emotional disturbances, any kind of stress factor, and going through menopausal changes,» Dr. McConnell says.
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