Sentences with phrase «hormone called insulin»

It may not be YOU, it may be your glucose level and a hot little hormone called insulin.
An anabolic hormone called insulin is released into the bloodstream which controls the intake of consumed carbohydrates and fat into the cells.
A new study of 677 workers in Israel showed those who experienced job burnout were 1.8 times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, in which a person's body becomes resistant to the sugar - regulating hormone called insulin.
One fundamental goal of diabetes treatment is to preserve and restore functional beta cells, thereby replenishing levels of a hormone called insulin, which moves blood glucose into cells to fuel their energy needs.
To understand diabetes, you first need to know about how your body uses a hormone called insulin to handle glucose, a simple sugar that is its main source of energy.
The injections contain a hormone called insulin.
β - cells are a type of cell that normally resides in the pancreas and produces a hormone called insulin.
The pancreas makes a hormone called insulin that processes glucose, moving it from the bloodstream into the body's cells where it is used for energy.
ß - cells are a type of cell that normally resides in the pancreas and produces a hormone called insulin.
And so our pancreas releases a hormone called insulin to shovel all the sugar away.
A low - carb diet decreases a hormone called insulin, which helps regulate fat tissue — it's thought that lowering insulin levels gives you a metabolic, fat - burning edge.
If you consume too much sugar, whether it's in the form of pasta, bagels, candy, or sugary beverages — your body has to churn out a hormone called insulin to break it down.
To make matters worse for the inactive, carb addict, when the body senses glucose in the bloodstream, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin (perhaps you've heard of it?)
What worries some experts is that about 17 % of dairy cows are treated with the hormone rBST (or rBGH), which stimulates milk production by increasing circulating levels of another hormone called insulin - like growth factor (IGF - 1).
Stabilizing blood sugar is largely controlled by the pancreas through a hormone called insulin.
Simple sugars, after they are ingested, are released very quickly into the blood stream causing your pancreas to release a hormone called insulin to lower these levels in your blood.
This hormone also increases udder infection and allows pus in the milk and also leads to higher levels of another hormone called insulin - like growth factor (IGF - 1).
To prevent this damage, your body releases a flood of a hormone called insulin.
When you consume sugar or carbohydrates, they must be processed into glucose and shuttled into the cells via a hormone called insulin.
When blood glucose levels rise, your body releases a hormone called insulin, which allows glucose to enter cells.
When blood glucose levels rise, your body releases a hormone called insulin, which allows glucose to enter cells where it can be used to provide fuel for our brains, muscles and other vital organs.
We have a pancreas, it secretes a hormone called insulin to regulate BG.
The pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which helps the cells use glucose for energy.
The hormone called insulin is produced by the pancreas.
Our pancreas creates a hormone called insulin, which transports glucose into our body's cells where it is used for energy.
Many PCOD women who are obese have problems associated with the hormone called insulin, and many go on to develop what is known as «insulin resistance».
After eating, a hormone called insulin rises in response to the intake of dietary carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, protein.
Simply put, when you eat something that contains sugar, whether that's fruit, bread, or something sweet, your body releases a hormone called insulin from your pancreas.
The body naturally produces a hormone called insulin to ensure this bodily process works correctly, but a person with diabetes may not produce any insulin, or may not produce or use it very well.
The green apple has the ability to decrease the absorption of sugar in our intestines and in this way, it can prevent the sudden reduction of the hormone called insulin.
When glucose levels rise, the body responds to the low carbohydrate diet by releasing a hormone called insulin into the blood.
A hormone called insulin helps sugar get inside cells, which can then be used for energy.
In this disorder, the pancreas produces larger than normal amounts of a hormone called insulin.
If you consume too much sugar, whether it's in the form of pasta, bagels, candy, or cola — your body has to churn out a hormone called insulin to break it down.
Secondly, the pancreas produces a hormone called insulin which passes in the blood stream to all the organs in the body and is centrally important in the regulation of blood glucose levels and energy supply to the cells of the body.
Chemo - receptors in the blood vessels detect the spike in blood glucose, and then signal the islet cells of the pancreas to secrete a hormone called insulin.
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