Sentences with phrase «horrifying events»

The phrase "horrifying events" means terrible and terrifying occurrences that are very scary or shocking. Full definition
Neither the excellence of what they do as measured by some set of rules nor their awesome survival of horrifying events can do that.
Maybe it's the sequence of truly horrifying events that have played out internationally in recent times.
Having a child injured in a school bus accident is an undoubtedly horrifying event which no parent should ever have to endure.
Horrifying events turn panic to real terror when a young woman becomes trapped in the old house she's helping her father and uncle renovate.
Curtis fit the role as the picture perfect shy nice girl turned terrified victim, unprepared for what horrifying events she will have to face.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane is not a children's book, even though the narrator is looking back 40 years, recalling horrifying events that happened when he was only seven years old.
Attorney Ned Ogueri Zeribe Law Office: Thoroughly documented in history are some truly horrifying events happening in every part of the world.
Techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) and others can help when people have witnessed horrifying events that can replay over and over, making it difficult to function.
This will signal the outbreak of the Great Tribulation, a period of horrifying events.
«My thoughts are with friends and colleagues who were at Parliament Hill this morning, as well as their families who had to watch these horrifying events unfold on television.
Special laboratories that investigate alleged chemical weapons attacks are getting a rare call to action from the United Nations after the horrifying events in Syria.
In the days and weeks and months after the horrifying events that took place on September 11, 2001, I was filled with a single - minded purpose of creating things that, in some small way, showed a measure of support.
She told shockingly detailed stories about pastoring her congregants — the most personal, horrifying events you can imagine.
What Stronger succeeds in doing is telling the human story behind a horrifying event and inspiring the audience with Jeff Bauman's humanity, resilience, and spirit.
Zobel tells the true story — only the names are changed — of a horrifying event back in 2004 (minor spoilers ahead).
The horrifying events in Columbine, Colorado, and Parkland, Florida, among many other places, have raised the profile of safety and security measures in school design.
Then she learned of the horrifying events unfolding in Florida, where a young man with a semi-automatic weapon stormed into Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and killed 17 people, many of them students like herself.
The story is about a young woman who becomes obsessed with a horrifying event in the town's history — a murder of a white family, and the innocent Native Americans who are accused of the crime.
A young woman becomes obsessed with a horrifying event in her small town's history — the murder of a white family, and the innocent Native Americans who are accused of the crime.
After the horrifying events of November 9th 1938 known as Kristallnacht, «the night of broken glass», newspaper headlines all over the world condemned Hitler's actions.
As they walk around examining objects and bodies in an atmospheric 2D environment, a horror tale spanning over 50 years begins to unfold, and player choices determine which of the tale's dozens of endings is viewed, and who (if anyone) lives to see these horrifying events through to their conclusion.
After some horrifying events you take on the role of the Pathfinder and you need to find humanity a proper way to settle down.
This new single channel 3 - D animation, South China Sea Pishkun, is a computer generated work that references the horrifying events that occurred on April 30, 1975 (the day Saigon fell) as hundreds of thousands of people tried to flee Saigon from the encroaching North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong.
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