Sentences with phrase «horror stuff»

I think a lot of people who were younger back then are older now, and they are passing that old school horror stuff along to their kids.
The plot of «Don't Look Now,» if it were summarized in a realistic way, would be fairly standard horror stuff.
I don't watch TV either, but I love campy horror stuff, so I knew this one would be fun!
I don't remember Shadow's wife returning in the book (although my memory of Shadow as being as bland as a rice cake holds up), but Emily Browning was tops and I loved every bit of it, including all the body horror stuff that normally sends me running for the freaking hills.
I just know AnnaLynne McCord from her recent string of indie horror stuff like Excision, Trash Fire, and now this.
I only wish we'd get some Romero - ish slow zombie horror stuff.
A long montage now of knives, guns, general horror stuff.
If you're talking about genres outside of horror then music can make you cry or it can make you feel a little more tense or excited, but with horror stuff you put the music in, or audio in general, and the movie goes from scary to down right terrifying.
Justin Cronin's The Passage has a lot of faith that seeps through all the horror stuff in that book, The Walking Dead graphic novel series is also another great example of that too.
My sister and I, when we were probably way too young to be watching those movies, we would go to the video store and we would just zip right past all the new releases and go right to the horror stuff.
In the meantime, of course, Max has fallen for Olivia (who wouldn't, she's played by Alexandra Daddario), the archetypal down - girl who is not only unaware how utterly gorgeous she is, she's also into all the horror stuff Max loves, and runs an Ice Cream Store called I Scream, in which all the homemade flavors are inspired by horror iconography.
You still might «loose» readers who won't touch your horror stuff, but love your cozy mysteries, but that's part of publishing anyway.
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