Sentences with phrase «horror territory»

A nightmare here, a possession there, it isn't really until the last quarter of the movie that it moves into full on horror territory.
Yet nothing bad actually happens, so we're not quite in traditional horror territory either.
However, outside of the house scenes, it slips into standard horror territory.
Silence was a superior thriller that veered into horror territory through its representations of mutilation murders and torture, and it won a bushel of Academy Awards.
Now, he explores action horror territory with Upgrade, a futuristic sci - fi film that simultaneously feels retro in its action sequences.
Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy Resident Evil 4's move into action horror territory, with players blasting away at fast moving enemies with tons of ammo, but in transitioning into that gameplay focus, it also lost the original sense of lurking fear, vulnerability and impending doom that made it original so long ago.
Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn has found himself in horror territory with his new film The Neon Demon, a supermodel - centered horror movie with shades of Valley of Dolls and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre — that's just awesome, and today we've been treated to a new poster.
So Bousman ventured off into other ball parking horror territories masquerading as a musical.
But that circling darkness is gathering, largely in the form of a repulsive loan shark to whom his uncle is in debt, and after only a brief respite, the films strays back into queasy horror territory.
Worst of all, this wades into generic horror territory replete with lousy jump scares.
And Wheatley makes it look easy, luring us in with a shaggy hitman drama before easing us into horror territory before plunging us into the pure, nightmarish hell that is the third act.
Perhaps if the movie had followed its comedic tendencies into more of the campy horror territory, it could have worked.
There are several intense moments in Annihilation, including a creature attack that plants the film in pure horror territory.
Still, at least the final act perks up, accelerating into all - out horror territory that's part Dr. Phibes - style camp and part Hostel - flavoured gore (there's a reason for that 18 certificate).
Drive director Nicolas Winding Refn has found himself in horror territory with his new film The Neon Demon, a supermodel - centered horror movie with shades of Valley of Dolls and The Texas Chainsaw...
I love and respect that art, as far as the action choreography and cinematic violence and practical makeup effects, so I knew this could certainly dip into horror territory.
The film takes a Christmas movie that was already packed with torture (that movie is, of course, Home Alone) and amps it up even more, pushing it well into horror territory.
Zahler has now flung us into horror territory.
The positioning of this dryly competent woman as the film's protagonist, compared to the roguish silliness of Kurt Russell's R.J. MacReady, acts as yet another sign that we're verging into full - on horror territory.
The film does get brutal and it does get bloody, but never really veers into horror territory.
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