Sentences with phrase «horse runs»

Remember to balance the speed and stamina since if your horse runs too fast the stamina will be used up very quickly.
When several of them combine — like when I'm climbing a colossus, miss a jump even though I felt like I hit the buttons right, then the camera pans away so I can't see my character, then the colossus shakes and I hold R1 for a good while, then my grip gives up and I fall to the ground unconscious for 6 seconds, and just as I get up the horse runs in my way as I try to move and the colossus smacks me with lightning bullets and I lay unconscious for another 6 seconds, and then, finally, I get to start over climbing it again, I wonder why people love this game so much.
The story goes that one day the farmer's only horse runs away.
The phrase refers to a key step in horse grooming — when a horse runs fast, it works up a sweat, especially under the saddle.Inebriated Southerners have measured their drunkenness by him ever since.
Racehorses have three muscle types — type I, type IIA and type IIB — which are progressively recruited as the horse runs faster.
«The horse runs over the main track here just like he runs over the turf,» his jockey, David Whited, said.
A horse runs with a new rhythmic vitality when he turns the last curve and straightens out on the home stretch.
To critics, though, Zuckerberg's plan seems like closing the barn door after the horses ran off with 50 million bales of hay.
To critics, Sloane says, «Zuckerberg's plan seems like closing the barn door after the horses ran off with 50 million bales of hay.»
in that sense, we are really spirits in bondage and are deepest desires are to be free, so on this end of the cart, I continue to hope... there's a myth I know of... a land where wild horses run free.This quote from Lewis has always stuck with me....
The moral of this story is that evangelicals in Iowa saw all of the white horses running and voted for one.
horse running toward the sunrise to meet the future.
He says: «Do horses run on the rock, or does one plow the sea, that you should turn justice into gall and the fruit of righteousness into wormwood; you who rejoice in a thing of naught and say, «Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?»»
There was a farmer whose horse ran away.
The top tier of the MAC — Ohio, Toledo, NIU — is obvious, but about seven other teams are capable of making a dark horse run.
Trained by the master that is Paul Nichols, this horse ran a fantastic race in last year's renewal, but failed to get home due to problems with his breathing.
This disgusted her no end, so she said to herself: I can't get my boys well on that kind of a price,» and in spite of Jimmy Picou's urgings Saucy (being a stubborn sort of gal) had made her decision and she just refused to come in first — she actually came in last in a race in which 10 horses ran
Mission Viejo features a work horse running back in Colin Schooler who carried the ball 38 times for 160 yards in the regional final.
Easily 75 % of all horses running today have something wrong with them.
In other words, using it or withdrawing it could result in a horse running «hot» or «cold.»
After lunchWinkfield goes to the races, at 2 o'clock in the summer, at 1 o'clock in thefall, to watch through a pair of battered binoculars while his horses run andjump at Long - champ or Saint - Cloud or Le Tremblay, at Fontainebleau or Compi √ ® gneor Enghien or right next door at Maisons - Laffitte, wherever a race meet isunder way around Paris.
In New Zealand, for example, as well as in France and a few other places, the horses run the wrong way around.
«Ninety percent of the time,» says Shoe, «Baeza is better off because of it, because 90 % of the time horses run their best without a whip.»
He just didn't seem to like the sensation of that other horse running ahead of him and full of run.»
The 5 - year - old Canadian - bred horse ran the 1 1/4 miles in 2:02 [1/5] and collected $ 150,000.
A farmer's only horse ran away.
Margaret Thatcher had Nigel Lawson's resignation a year before she fell, Sir Anthony Meyer's stalking - horse run, Geoffrey Howe's resignation and speech, and finally Michael Heseltine's challenge.
«We're not going to have the Super Bowl here this year, we're not going to have a Triple Crown horse running in Saratoga, and I think that does take some of the luster off what's going to happen.
The mayor has repeatedly emphasized that the Teamsters helped wrangle out the details of the plan, which would end the long - standing horse run between the park and the West Side stables.
Bill Bentner found that the number of races a horse ran was the biggest factor in predicting if it would win.
There was a farmer whose horse ran away.
I mean who cares if there are horses running around if there are beautiful and colorful accessories in the area?
The Kentucky Derby has always been a staple in my house growing up — my Mom loves watching the Triple Crown races and we always dedicated the afternoons of those races to watch the beautiful horses run.
I have had cancer 3 times, had a horse run over my head and almost kill me (had to learn to walk / talk again) so I am not the type of person to go...
Been a long time, but horses run in my was my life way back, Love all animals..
But all the king's men can't corral the horses running roughshod over basics like plot and character.
Dogs and horses run free.
The film opens with seniors playing ridiculously extreme «pranks» that are not even remotely funny, like letting a meth - fueled horse run around the school or replacing a prized baseball bat with a laptop playing pornography.
The group travels during this act, moving from urban decay to luscious, untouched nature, where uninfected horses run free and the group is able to sleep undisturbed for a night, and finally to a barricade outside of Manchester, where it seems a group of people have discovered an answer for the virus.
Marvel, IDW, DC, Dark Horse all run their own ecosystems that allow readers to purchase and view comics on their tablet or smartphone.
There was a saying in Tibet: «When the iron bird flies and horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the face of the earth.»
Kefalonia, the largest island in size has wild horses running around Mount Aenos in its center, a vast cave (Dragonata), an underwater lake (Melissani), and a tragic recent history made famous in Louis de Berniere's novel, Corelli's Violin.
The 2nd level is an amazing perch from which to watch surfers, the changing tides, sunset, and even horses running down the beach.
Other sculptures investigate the orderly structures of game playing, as in Horses Running Endlessly 1995, a chess set consisting entirely of knights.
Sarni's Wild Horses series came from a dramatic experience in New Mexico when she was driving a sports car and a group of wild horses ran across the freeway and jumped over the hood of her car.
One horse has been named «Wadsworth,» an odd name, one might say, for a horse running with a Glory or Liberty if tried in another locale.
Orozco's interest in complex geometry and mapping find expression in works like the patterned human skull of Black Kites, the curvilinear logic of Oval Billiard Table, and the extended playing field of the chessboard in Horses Running Endlessly.
anGie seah 9.00 — 10.00 pm Exterior of Block 37 Malan Road anGie seah (Singapore) will present Part 1 of A Thousand Horses Running in my Head (2015), a mash up of bass droning, poetic gestures and erratic voice - works combined with everyday sounds.
(You may have seen his famous black - and - white sequential pictures of a horse running, or of human beings in motion.)
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