Sentences with phrase «hospital days»

She was given pain killers and discharged from hospital the day of admission.
Twice more I went to an in - patient psychiatric hospital the day before I started my period.
I went to the veterinary hospital that day and instantly fell in love.
I went by the animal hospital every day on my way home from work and held him.
This procedure is done as an in - hospital day procedure.
I pumped for the first time in hospital a day after giving birth and said to the midwife «my nipples are dancing»
The parents of a 13 - year - old girl who committed suicide in November after being bullied for two years are suing her school district over a wrongful death A young woman has died in hospital days after a fiery South Coast crash killed both of her parents and left her sister critically injured.
There is a reason mums all over the country breathed a huge sigh of relief when Kate Middleton stepped out of hospital a day after having baby George back in 2013 with a very visible (and very real) mummy tummy.
The total number of hospital days for routine care group patients was 204 compared with 1 day in each of the CBT and supportive counselling groups.
A 7 year study conducted by an independent physician association found that patients» regular utilization of chiropractic care reduced the need for: hospitilization by 60 %, hospital days by 59 %, pharmaceutical usage by 85 %, outpatient surgeries & procedures by 62 %, and overall global health care costs by 50 %.
Data of AD diagnoses was obtained from the Finnish Social Insurance Institution's Reimbursement Register, data on hospital days from the Finnish Hospital Discharge Register, and data on medication from the Finnish Social Insurance Institution's Prescription Register.
GNR are as common in hospitals these days as red Jell - O.
Prenatal classes on breast - feeding are a staple at most hospitals these days, and doctors highly recommend them.
A really bad cold / cough... needed to go to hospital a day then inhalers (pulmicort / xoponex) nearly a month.
Reports getting across to DailyPost indicate that healthcare services are yet to commence fully in Federal and State hospitals days after doctors under the aegis of...
Compared to mastectomy only, women undergoing breast reconstruction had more complications, including increased hospital days and repeat surgeries.
All money raised from the t - shirt collection will then go towards helping the hundreds of children who arrive at Great Ormond Street Hospital every day.
12 May 2009 Exhibition from the Irish Museum of Modern Art's Collection opens in Co Clare An exhibition developed through the continued partnership between Iniscealtra Festival of the Arts and IMMA's National Programme, opens to the public at Raheen Hospital Day Care Centre and Scariff Library, Co Clare on Monday 25 May 2009.
Post-Hospitalisation — It covers your expenses incur in the 90 days immediately after release from the hospital
According to the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), one child under five is admitted to hospital every day after falling from a building.
The costs of drug therapy were analysed as overall costs, and the costs of hospital days were calculated according to the Finnish health care system's unit costs, which also include the patient's payment contribution.
Equine Barn and Show Biosecurity By Wendy Mollat, DVM, DACVIM, Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital The days are finally getting longer, and you are likely starting to polish up the show tack and clean out the trailer.
AAHA - Accredited Hospital Day (AAHA Day) was created to recognize veterinary hospitals that have been awarded the American Animal Hospital Association's top honor, AAHA accreditation.
President Donald Trump visited her in the hospital days after the shooting.
After Ebby left the hospital that day, there occurred what is known semi-facetiously in AA as Bill's «hot flash.»
It was at that time that she became friends with the woman who came to the hospital this day.
She spoke about an appointment she had with her doctor at the hospital that day, at which point I asked her for the name of the hospital and for her doctor's name along with the phone number to the hospital.
He told us to call the Baptist minister, who was on chaplain duty at the hospital that day.
I found and read an article by several doctors in the Journal of Developmental & Behavior Pediatrics that supports what I noticed in the hospital that day.
Eighteen babies were born in the hospital that day, so our labor and delivery nurse was quite happy to have someone else there to provide emotional support and help make me more comfortable.
She came to my home to meet with me before the birth, and met me at the hospital the day she was born.
I would choose that over a hospital any day.
Today, I think back to being in the hospital the day after she was born and remember that we had a visit who brought us donuts because it was National Donut Day.
The hospitals these days won't let you even leave with your baby unless you carry them out in a car seat, and have it properly installed in your vehicle.
She's coming to the hospital every day, that's for sure.
It is recommended that you have clothing for yourself and your baby brought to the hospital the day before you are scheduled to return home.
She left the hospital that day with just a medical bracelet as the physical reminder of her little boy, and she continued to wear it for days until became tattered and frail.
Her losing more that 10 % of her birth weight was addressed at her 7 day postpartum appointment with her pediatrician and we were sent to the breastfeeding center at the hospital that day for further investigation.
We have a lot of visitors coming with policemen to the hospital every day.
You have to work at that hospital all day with people.
«Those issues play out in the hospital every day because resources are finite.
When Garrett came to visit his mother in the hospital the day her gallbladder was removed, he probably never imagined he would end up staying.
Five years prior to the diagnosis, Alzheimer's patients had on average 1.4 hospital days more per person - year than non-AD patients, whereas two years after the diagnosis they had as many as 14.2 hospital days more.
Heart failure accounts for 6.5 million hospital days a year, and a new study reported in the Journal for Healthcare Quality showed that Medicaid patients and those with comorbid illnesses have longer lengths of stay for treatment of heart failure.
A trip to the drug store for a vaccination beats a trip to the hospital any day.
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