Sentences with phrase «hostile culture»

The editors and several of the contributors are familiar to the readers of this journal, so, perhaps not surprisingly, we warmly recommend this spirited guide to Christian faithfulness in an often hostile culture.
Concluding our six - part series on the Spring Harvest 2005 theme, Steve Chalke focuses on the occasions when Daniel learned to compromise and others when he chose to stand his ground - vital principles for you and me who also live in a an alien and sometimes hostile culture.
In Whit Stillman's second feature, cousins Fred and Ted Boynton (Chris Eigeman and Taylor Nichols) navigate an occasionally hostile culture and their own late transitions to adulthood.
The bishops called Hispanics to» lead the church in recalling its mission «to preserve and foster a Catholic identity in the midst of an often hostile culture
If you wonder what you can do to bear a Christian witness in a hostile culture, or if you want to grow in prayer, read this book.
As a minority group living in a hostile culture, members of the early Christian churches were in no position to identify the bestowal of God's grace and blessing with national peace and prosperity.
In some ways, of course, the Church has always existed in a hostile culture.
Others suggested that we need a strongman (implying a strongman unencumbered by too many moral convictions) in order to fight the system and save Christians from a hostile culture.
The clash between the Prime Minister and Ms Cooper came as Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn accused Ms May of knowing «full well» of the problems faced by the Windrush generation, and called on the Government to ditch «bogus immigration targets that have driven this hostile culture».
The survey found that 36 % of participants considered leaving their major, department, or workplace, after encountering an unwelcoming or hostile culture, but, Barthelemy noted, experiences varied across the LGBT spectrum.
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