Sentences with phrase «hostile feelings»

And sometimes it's easy for us parents to get caught up in our children's negative or even hostile feelings toward their teachers.
It's about the special problem of avoiding toxicity, violence, and hostile feelings in strategy games, and how single player games are part of that solution.
It can range from a small pang in one's stomach, to something more intense, and is usually accompanied by hostile feelings towards the successful peer.
I myself do not hold hostile feelings toward the GLBT community.
Her problem was rooted in repressed hostile feelings toward her deceased husband concerning which feelings she felt intense unconscious guilt.
He recruited his men from nearby reservations and his gang was comprised of Native Americans who were wronged by the United States government and harbored hostile feelings towards the establishment, and towards the colonists.
No matter how hostile you feel towards you soon to be ex-partner, keep in mind that Texas child custody laws are heavily weighted towards allowing both parents equal time with any children.
The Wife had hostile feelings about the Husband, alleging him to be a sociopath and requesting that he only have supervised access.
Furthermore, even (or perhaps especially) in instances where one parent has no contact with the rest of the family, angry or hostile feelings on the part of the remaining parent may create a residue of conflict that affects children.
Instead, he invites those who may already have hostile feelings toward gay and lesbian people to indulge their revulsion and anger.
Saying being gay is a disease is very judgmental no matter if you have «hostile feelings
For instance when the interviewees were asked how they now handle their hostile feelings, twenty - nine gave answers showing repressive handling, such as: «I feel all bound up — all under control.
It prevents the alcoholic from keeping his hostile feelings toward his wife attached to the counselor by perceiving him as her ally.
In part, his anticipations were justified, though he did stir up some hostile feeling when he beat each country's best riders.
As a matter of fact, the term «populism» is commonly (assuming more or less sensible and reasonable people) used for a way of unreasonable, partly violent, acting, ignorant thinking (not necessarily uneducated) and hostile feeling.
I'm not as hard on the film as Fine is (and I certainly don't share his hostile feelings towards «Wendy and Lucy» and some others of its ilk).
I never encountered any hostile feelings and I did not see anyone get arrested or harmed in any way.
Expert outplacement services help reduce this litigation by soothing ex-employees» hostile feelings and motivating them to pursue a successful job search.
What makes teaching with AD children difficult is not only that the internal working model of the child may be anxious or blurred, but also early adverse experiences will load the child's view of the teacher with negative and hostile feelings and many defensive mechanisms will disturb the communication when the child tries to avoid or disrupt communication.
Furthermore, mother has communicated her hostile feelings through the children rather than by direct communication with father, and she has allowed the children to read the legal documents in this case and has solicited their responses.»
It feels like family... Our office works very well together, and though we all compete for business, it never has a hostile feeling, or that someone is out to get you.
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