Sentences with phrase «hot chocolate powder»

-LSB-...] with hot chocolate powder — the same container we've been trying to use up since making hot chocolate cloud dough!
It is the perfect treat for a cold winter night and you can drink it without guilt since it doesn't have the additives and extra sugar that hot chocolate powders contain.
Rich in anti-oxidants, HERNÁN hot chocolate powder in craft «mercado» pouch allows for easy preparation.
Icecream, milk, and sometimes a little bit of hot chocolate powder, mash mash mash with a fork (kitchen machines and mixers were still a little out of my repetoire at this point... And the fork worked surprisingly well:P) and it was the most delicious thing on a hot Summer's day!
Optional: 2 tbsp hot chocolate powder or chopped dark chocolate, and a scoop of either vegan vanilla ice cream / whipped cream to top.
I've also made hot chocolate powder where I ground up the sucanat so it dissolved faster when added to hot water.
Besides making sure you are drinking adequate amounts of filtered water, I also love bringing peppermint or spiced chai tea bags, mushroom hot chocolate powder or coconut water crystals to rehydrate.
For this investigation we are changing the temperature of the hot chocolate so the amount of milk, type of cup, amount of hot chocolate powder and marshmallows should stay the same for each test condition.
For some extra fancy schmancy, add the hot chocolate powder or chopped dark chocolate to the bottom of your mug first, before pouring in the matcha mix and milk.
This reminds me of when I was a little girl in Texas, I used to do a scoop of vanilla ice cream (Blue Bell, of course) and top it with Planters dry roasted peanuts and a sprinkle of Qwik (hot chocolate powder).
Whisk in hot chocolate powder and maca powder until completely combined.
I had tu put apple sauce, lots more coco - powder, hot chocolate powder, maple sirup to try to balance it out & still... I could barely taste the chocolate since the avocado taste was so strong.
Creative Family Fun investigated how the hot chocolate powder dissolved in different temperatures of water.
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