Sentences with phrase «hot drinks since»

I actually prefer room temperature or hot drinks since I have sensitive teeth too!
I've found that it is absolutely perfect for blending healthy fats into a hot drink since it gives a delicious froth and creaminess.

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I entertained my guests to water and orange juice, since they don't drink anything stronger, hot or cold, and we talked of many things.
Since it's been cold out, I've been really into making hot, frothy, restorative drinks as my 3 pm activity, and this super quick tahini hot chocolate has come out on top many times.
We use the Marmite trick for all of our pie fillings as well (the British kind, Marmite in Cherry pie might not be as scrumptious) and since we first bought a jar back in January, when we found this recipe, my boyfriend has become absolutely addicted and drinks Marmite in hot water as a broth.
As the weather has changed I've found it so hard not to drink chai and hot chocolate but since adopting a mostly Paleo Diet those things just don't fit in.
Since I wasn't feeling that great this past Friday, I drank lots of this Coconut Cinnamon Hot Chocolate, chai tea, green tea, green juice and lemon water.
When consuming very hot salsas, it is recommended to drink milk, since the protein in milk that is called casein binds to capsaicin, the agent in chiles that makes them hotter, and helps for the chiles not to burn «Your mouth.»
She's been drinking so much water since it's been hot out, but we haven't had to deal with any leaks.
I have often wondered since my husband is a big beer fan and while I like beer occasionally on hot days, I can rarely drink more than half a can or bottle.
This is why hot drinks are often served in Styrofoam, since it keeps the heat inside the cup, thus preventing your hands from being burned.
It is the perfect treat for a cold winter night and you can drink it without guilt since it doesn't have the additives and extra sugar that hot chocolate powders contain.
It's also recommended that you drink it hot since it'll take you longer to drink it, which will give you calming and soothing experience.
Since I have been writing down everything I have eaten and drank since the beginning of the year, I see that when I ate hot dogs and beans or chili, I DID get a longer sSince I have been writing down everything I have eaten and drank since the beginning of the year, I see that when I ate hot dogs and beans or chili, I DID get a longer ssince the beginning of the year, I see that when I ate hot dogs and beans or chili, I DID get a longer sleep.
Since I have prostate cancer, I take LycoPom pills and sometimes drink a hot beverage made from pomegranate juice powder mixed with matcha green tea powder, sweetened with stevia.
Since moving to LA I have been slacking on the whole health + fitness game and consequently I gained a few pounds and need to get back to feeling good and fit again... so doing the 14 day Your Tea «Tiny Tea Tox» was a great way to kick start a new healthy life style!The tea tastes amazing + it makes you feel full — pretty much amazing < 3 You can drink it hot or cold (I drink it iced because I just can't dig hot drinks for some reason haha) and you simply drink it 30 minutes before breakfast, 30 min before lunch + 30 min before dinner (3 times a day).
indungelt; Come autumn and winter and I start needing something more indulgent, a delicious treat for a cold afternoon; so since it's Chocolate Week, I thought I'd share a very indulgent, creamy, dairy homemade caramel hot chocolate, which not only is a very autumnal drink for a chill afternoon, but it's also the sweetest...
Since the low - FODMAP diet limits drink options (soft and hard), it's nice to have a refreshing alternative for hot days.
5: I've been drinking seltzer a lot since it's gotten hot.
Since we had long winters there was always snow on Valentine's Day and for me hot chocolate was and still is my absolute favorite drink to make.
Plus, since domestic cats mostly evolved in hot climates (northern Africa and the Middle East), they typically don't have a strong sense of thirst and may not drink enough from their water bowl to sufficiently hydrate themselves.
Initially, I was a bit uncomfortable (I usually never go for a massage since I find it difficult to relax — I know, I'm super weird...) but after a while, it became easier to relax and just like that, 50 minutes had flown by and I was escorted to the relax area where the rest of the group were all cosied up in their bathrobes drinking a cup of hot tea.
It's been a minute since we were out at E3 2017 drinking cold ones and eating hot dogs, and — oh yeah, showcasing some of our favorite indie games.
People feel that since you share your thoughts online for free, that you'll certainly be willing to divulge your secrets in person in exchange for a hot drink.
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