Sentences with phrase «hotheads like»

hotheads like u who rush to insult out of hysteria are the true idiot!!!

Not exact matches

But the more I understand what really happened, the more it sounds like impatient hotheads trying to safeguard their transatlantic profits.
A group of organizational psychologists at Michigan State University and the University of Akron became interested in workplace arrogance during the global banking implosion, back when private - jetting, hotheaded leaders at doomed institutions like AIG were always in the news.
Pitt plays his partner, David Mills, a hothead rookie who looks like he copped his style from macho movie theatrics.
Always good with actors, Hanson brings out a beaten - down charm in Bana that works nicely against the hotheaded authority the actor shows in the gambling scenes, while Duvall is, like the veteran card shark he plays, a master of subtle gestures.
The Great Wall of Lucy Wu by Wendy Wan - Long Shang Like Pickle Juice on a Cookie by Julie Sternberg Hothead by Cal Ripken, Jr..
If the following take on Westminster reads like its coming from some PETA hothead that's because it is.
After putting in over 50 hours across all three games in the DeathSpank series, the games can feel a little like World of Warcraft with all the level grinding and loot gathering, but the story and humor of Hothead games is worth having to kill all those stoopid chickens.
Recently, Ron announced that he's working as a creative director for Hothead Games, did a bit of work on the Penny Arcade games, and is now working on DeathSpank, which he describes as being like Monkey Island crossed with Diablo.
Here, Hothead's lead designer Darren Evenson examines the company's approach to «engineering funny» into their games, focusing on key elements like timing and Three's Company («Where the kisses are hers and hers and his, Three's Company too!»).
Now that Deathspank is out and available to purchase for XBLA / PSN, Hothead Games has more time to work on other projects like this new developer diary video, which takes a different, more playful approach than traditional dev diaries with the hope of showing more of the studio's personality.
This is great news — over 100,000 people bought the game in just two weeks, which seems like good initial success for Hothead Games.
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