Sentences with phrase «hothouse gases»

As we know, hothouse gases, in particular, nitrogen peroxide, warm up the atmosphere by keeping heat close to the ground.
Hothouse gases may not be to blame for global warming.

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Such a 35 percent equivalent emission, happening year on year for centuries, would be more than enough to push Earth into a runaway hothouse scenario without any further human greenhouse gas releases.
The cycle continues until much of these carbon stores out - gas, pushing the Earth into a hothouse state.
Such states may have prevailed in the distant past, but there is nothing about the current Holocene climate to suggest that more than a single equilibrium is within range — we are not close to a new glaciation nor a new «hothouse climate» (although the latter might become possible if continued greenhouse gas emissions were to remain unmitigated for a prolonged interval).
In all the great mass extinction events but, possibly, one, this heat - driven filling up of the world ocean with deadly hydrogen sulfide gas during hothouse periods represents the major killing mechanism.
It all adds up to a worrying turn of events for a technology that many saw as an essential tool for bringing down greenhouse gas emissions, and avoiding a hothouse planet.
There are climate doomsday proponents and alleged «experts» who fear that Earth is warming so fast that it will soon reach hothouse Venus - like temperatures, primarily due to humans continuing global emissions of CO2, a trace greenhouse gas.
«Arctic Oil & Gas cites recent scientific evidence that huge, floating mats of azolla - a prehistoric fern believed to have covered much of the Arctic Ocean during a planetary hothouse era about 55 million years ago - decomposed soon after the age of the dinosaurs and exist today as «vast hydrocarbon resources» trapped in layers of rock below the polar ice cap.»
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