Sentences with phrase «hour conversation»

This starts a half hour conversation with anyone that sees it and wants to know how it works.
«I went onto this show, and what was supposed to be a five - minute segment turned into a two - hour conversation about anything and everything science,» he says.
A casual message asking me about a sport I was playing in one of my profile photos led to a 5 - hour conversation over the dating site.
Many business classes focus on networking and how to handle cocktail hour conversations.
Research shows us that these supportive half - hour conversations increase relationship stability.
I had a 2 hour conversation with the pastor at that time, after which my frustration was not being relieved and we shook hands and ended the meeting.
Join the #AMDSpringClean Twitter Happy Hour conversation and pay attention to @AMDNotebook tweets on March 22 to find out how to win the grand prize!
«We had a wonderful half hour conversation with Senator Ted Cruz.
Andreessen Horowitz's Dalgaard persuaded Sacks to meet with Parker about joining Zenefits over the course of a nearly four - hour conversation at San Francisco's Dolores Park Cafe.
After a scheduled half - hour conversation turned into a 90 - minute meeting, Burry told Crosby and Johnson that he wanted to do more than just advise.
For nearly five hours the conversation ranged from Moerdler and Datskovsky's personal and business goals to their fantasies about one day going public to their frustrations with the tax system and their bank.
Over delicious Cuban fare at the IMF food court, our two - hour conversation began with jobs and life in DC, and slowly transitioned to life dreams and the importance of doing what we truly believe are important to us.
At the Director's Guild of America's Los Angeles Theater on February 3, 2018, Guillermo del Toro (The Shape of Water), Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird), Martin McDonagh (Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri), Christopher Nolan (Dunkirk), and Jordan Peele (Get Out) all sat down for a three - hour conversation for the annual Meet the Nominees symposium.
During a week - long, 27 - hour conversation Truffaut conducted an extraordinary interview with Hitchcock, during which they examined every film Hitch had made up to that time.
A two - hour conversation touched on issues from SB 740 funding to charter - district collaboration, teachers unions and Code 1090.
Our half - hour conversation regrettably did not include enough time to talk about Wilkin's curatorial projects, which over the years have included many shows and monographs about mid-century Modernists and contemporary abstraction.
Documentary and Dialogue # 3 featured a documentary screening of The Road Forward plus a one - hour conversation featuring Maxine Hayman Matilpi, Latash - Maurice Nahanee and Marissa Nahanee.
This one - hour conversation went very well as well, until he started asking about compensation, at which point his tone of voice became quite gruff, aggressive, and at one point even demeaning.
Café SEMA is not a classroom lecture; it's a one - hour conversation between business pros who provide expert advice about how to help an organization take the next step.
Just a one - hour conversation with Jay Kimmelman (Bridge's founder) at the Clinton Global Initiative checked enough boxes that we were interested in pursuing it.
After a two - hour conversation on a range of issues, he was offered to perform the blasting of the Shofar — a ritual performed by Orthodox Jews during the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah.»
He said: «You only had to have half an hours conversation with him to realise that he was a man of passionate Christian belief and conviction and what is more he believed entirely in the incarnation, that God comes among us fully in the person of Jesus, and he believed entirely in the resurrection.»
In October 2001, I had an engaging, two - hour conversation with Cardinal Karl Lehmann, now one of the grand old men of the German hierarchy.
I warmly appreciate your friendly letter, thanking me for that two - hour conversation we recently enjoyed.
I don't expect a one - hour conversation to change the mind of those who come on to defend a particular view.
The two - hour conversation was covertly recorded by a group called the Center for Medical Progress.
I grew up watching Bruno and had a chance to have a 2 hour conversation with him back in the 90's the definition of a gentleman and when Ivan beat him, it was even more quiet in MSG than it was when Brock beat Taker.
The two hour conversation will include basic tips and advice on parenting babies, toddlers, tweens, teenagers and young adults.
This problem, of course, is not limited to a happy - hour conversation.
Yet she herself answers insult with insult — in the course of our three - hour conversation, she variously calls her father's critics, by name, «a loser,» «a jerk,» «a disgusting thief,» «a big baby.»
«So many embryos don't work in the human,» he remarked one day, in the midst of a six - hour conversation.
But that — that could be an hours and hours and hours conversation.
We literally had an hour conversation with them before he went to bed one night all about cherries.
An hour conversation with Sara followed by the completion of a comprehensive profile and I was on my way.
I had a two - hour conversation with James Cameron about time travel, string theory, multiverses and all that.
Following a lively five hour conversation that led to their expulsion from the bar, Phillips told McConaughey to stop by the production office and perhaps he could find a role in the film for him.
READ MORE: Listen: Jessica Chastain Talks Working With Terrence Malick, Kathryn Bigelow & More In 1 - Hour Conversation
Conducted at the Danish Film Institute last year, the video is a fascinating, fun half - hour conversation between the pair.
Remember sophomore year in college, when you would have six - hour conversations about whether it would be morally defensible to kill one innocent person if it would save the lives of lots of other innocent people?
In this edition, watch an in - depth two - hour conversation with Guillermo del Toro about the craft of filmmaking.
The book resonates with me, since I have been studying Italian for about a dozen years now, mostly through classes that have by now evolved into weekly two - hour conversations with a private tutor — a fast talker from Turin who forces me to keep up with her onrushing molto veloce patter.
A common thread during the one - hour conversation was on how the world has gone from connected to hyper - connected over the last seven years.
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