Sentences with phrase «hour than humanity»

It's a simple truth that the sun provides more energy in an hour than humanity uses in a year.

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Were Dostoevsky living at this hour, he might well ask whether the American reduction of nearly every aspect of human existence, including religion itself, to either entertainment or commodification constitutes a yet worse kind of herd - existence than the one Ivan describes — a subtler and therefore deadlier attempt to relieve humanity of its suffering and sin, and thus of its real character and interest.
Here's a seemingly simple solar power fact *: the sun bathes Earth with enough energy in one hour (4.3 x 1020 joules) to more than fill all of humanity's present energy use in a year (4.1 x 1020 joules).
And it's these moments, when having spent hours questing for the best gear, searching for the most agreeable Pawns and then pitting your team against a creature that ranks higher than humanity on the food chain — only to emerge victorious — is where Dragon's Dogma burns the brightest.
In just the past 2 hours, the sun showered more energy on earth than humanity has ever generated by digging up and burning fossil fuels over the past 2000 years.
He volunteered more than 100 hours so far to help build homes for struggling Bolivians and raise awareness of the work done by Habitat for Humanity internationally and across Canada.
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