Sentences with phrase «hour time span»

Bitcoin, for instance, dove from $ 260 to about $ 130 inside a six - hour time span on April 11, 2013.
Here a tiny LED light in the ceiling of a dark closet changes color over a many - hour time span according to the position of the sun, the earth, and the Voyager One spacecraft, now sailing in interstellar space.
The film takes itself less seriously than other space travel films like Interstellar and Gravity, but still manages to make viewers gasp in awe, sit nervously enthralled on the edge of their seats and cry all within a two - hour time span.
Despite having six caffeinated beverages in an eight hour time span, dad fell asleep on the couch, to the tune of college football.
To provide 3.5 g EAAs to skeletal muscle would require roughly 15 - 20 grams of whole protein over a two hour time span.
The New York Times showed up and put a counter on the phone to see how many hits (calls) came into the radio show on an average Saturday, and there were over 40,000 calls during that four hour time span.
Super Game Jam is a documentary series which follows the exploits of developers making games within a 48 hour time span, in essence what a game jam is all about.
Over a consecutive twenty - hour time span, twenty artists will each be provided a one - hour temporary exhibition.
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