Sentences with phrase «hours during his waking hours»

(I feed him on every other breast ever 2 hours during waking hours so he'll have at least 8 meals a day).
In fact, she recommends eating an entire head of garlic per day (one clove every few hours during waking hours) until the illness or infection subsides.

Not exact matches

You need to connect emotionally at least once an hour, during waking hours.
Events like today's market debut are what entrepreneurs dream about, even if, during waking hours, they give lip service to just wanting to solve people's problems or save sea lions.
In addition, the survey also showed that the average U.S. office worker thinks about work for 78 percent of their waking hours during a typical workday, versus 41 percent on a day off.
After all, when I can't do everything I need to during my waking hours, at least my brain is trying to get something accomplished in the off - hours.
About a month before Walker 1 were provided treadmill desks, both they and Walker 2 were outfitted with accelerometers (see Figure 2), energy expenditure monitoring devices that were worn continuously during waking hours.
«Although I don't subscribe to fasting or suggest going more than three or four waking hours without food, my diet has evolved into one in which I consume most of my calories during the day.
Inevitably, we will fall asleep together in my bed during the wee hours and then in the morning, we will wake up together.
During the hour - long documentary he described feeling betrayed, angry and in denial in the wake of Rebecca's death.
Lots of us read books for enjoyment during our waking hours, for entertainment and educational purposes.
You no longer have to feel guilty about not spending enough time in prayer; you can always tell someone you pray nonstop during your waking hours.
This reportedly purges your brain of «organic waste materials that build up during waking hours, removing unwanted proteins and metabolic waste.»
In fact, when I woke up this past Wednesday morning during the snow storm Google Now on my smartphone said that it would be 1 hour and 41 minutes to my kid's school.
Like how I cried out of sheer exhaustion and frustration when she wouldn't nap and woke at all hours during our first few days.
We often feel more pain and ill at night then during our waking hours.
Sometimes he sleeps for an hour and then wakes up (he does not do this during the day) and sometimes he sleeps for 3 hours, once or twice it was four hours, then the next night he went back to only sleeping 2 hours before he woke up.
I'm not sure there is anything that I can do about this excessive long wake time window of fuzzing action since he usually has a big bowl movement around 2:00 a.m. I'm only guessing his bowl movement is what keeps him up for 3 hours, but who knows it might be do to my poor waketime strategy during the day.
A lot of children tend to grind their teeth more whilst they are sleeping rather than during waking hours, which can make it hard for the parent to spot the problem as quickly as you would do if they were carrying out the grinding during the day.
Your baby will need to be woken up every three hours during the night to eat, until your pediatrician gives you the OK to let him or her sleep for a long stretch.
If your baby is very sleepy, wake him to nurse every three hours during the day.
During the first 10 months of her life, she continued to wake up every second hour to feed almost every night.
Having a great night sleep for new parents means they most likely will be better and more attentive parents during their waking hours to their newborn.
You will be letting junior go commando during all his waking hours.
Researchers looked at data from 549 healthy adolescents between the ages of 12 and 16 in Baltimore, Md., and Seattle, Wash., who wore accelerometer and global positioning system trackers during waking hours at home, at school, in their neighborhoods and other locations.
They worked for three hours (during which time I obliterated a huge pile of client work), tidied and scrubbed the house to a shine, and even left chocolate in their wake.
He seems to be a very efficient eater and it is difficult (at least during the daytime / waking hours) to get him to suckle and be comforted at my breast or stay near my breast for longer than 10 minutes.
After ten days of struggling (During those days I was a mummy - cow: every hour and a half it was either a baby or a pump, he also got the occasional formula to provide the energy he needed to try stimulate my production), he kept losing weight and wouldn't wake on his own because he was hungry, I was told that my production was most likely without nutriciens.
Waking in the wee hours to discover I was in labor, only to have it stall during the daylight hours and then ramp back up after the sun set.
There won't be much time to catch up on lost sleep, so give yourself the gift of rest whenever you get the chance so that you're at your best to care for your baby during his or her waking hours.
«My pediatrician told us to wake up our baby every two hours so she can eat during the day.
This is often the case in the first few weeks, but babies younger than 12 weeks really should be woken every two hours during the day and every four hours at night to nurse.
This past week I cut back the night pumping sessions to only when he wakes up - every 4 hours - but continue to pump every 2 during the day.
Some parents have to gently wake their children with a breast or bottle every 2 - 3 hours during the first couple weeks to make sure they eat, but otherwise babies will wake up when they're hungry.
It is the only time where I do nt put her down for a nap in between feedings (she is on a 3 hour eat / wake / sleep schedule during the day).
i am VERY persistent about waking them during the day, though and never letting them go longer than 3 hours for daytime feedings... shooting for 2.5 hours if i am concerned about how much they are getting.
With my now 7 weeks old son i don't wake him during the night either and he is sleeping about 8 hours a night and i once again have enough milk for an army of babies:)
During Parent Coaching sessions, many parents tell me they set their own alarms an hour or more in advance in order to start the process of waking up their child.
My son will sleep till about 12 - 1; 30 then thats it every half an hour he wakes up i give him his dummy he may go back to sleep or otherwise i have to stand over his cot for sometimes up to 2 - 3 hrs just gently rubbing his belly, shhhhing him but he must hold my hand stroking it until his totally asleep and it doesn't make a difference if he sleeps or not during the day but this is all the joys of being a parent and you have to take the rough with the smooth and all i can do is tell myself he will sleep through the night sooner or later.
from the beginning, i nursed my DS on a 3 - hour schedule during the day (maybe too strictly at times), and always let him wake naturally after the dreamfeedish feeding.
During the day, I fed her every 3 hours (waking her from naps to ensure this).
I had to wake him almost every 3 hours during the day, and we rarely got more than 7 feedings in a day.
According to Elizabeth LaFleur, a registered nurse, you might need to wake your baby from naps that last more than four hours during the first few weeks of life.
I still kept up the 3 hour feedings and the eat, wake, sleep, during the day.
«When we first brought Peyton home from the hospital he would wake up every two to 2 1/2 hours, and we would have to feed him two to three times during the night,»
And during his waking hours, be sure to provide plenty of nurturing (rather than a pacifier) as well.
Whereas, a baby who is only sleeping 11 hours over night, waking up 2 - 4 times each night and taking 45 - 60 mins during the day is likely to be still taking 3 naps a day with a 2 hour awake window.
During a critical phase of a project at work, for months I would use alarms to wake myself up in the middle of the night after few hours of sleep.
Some babies still wake every 1 -2-3-4 hours during the night to request some love and attention from the caregivers, and it's kind of normal.
6 Signs of Potty Training Readiness Your child can stay dry for a period of at least 2 hours during the day and / or you child wakes up dry from his nap.
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