Sentences with phrase «hours into my labor»

I was about ten hours into labor and three hours into pushing... View Post
But seven hours into her labor, Cheryl knew the pain was going to be the distraction from baking.
When my doctor suggested breaking my water 12 hours into my labor to «get things going,» I agreed.
While transitioning an hour into labor I did sign to get an epidural because I thought with first baby this labor was going to last 12 hours and I couldn't take the pain for that long.

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1817: Welsh manufacturer and labor rights activist Robert Owen coins the phrase «Eight hours labor, eight hours recreation, eight hours rest,» dividing the day into three equal eight - hour parts.
Ego is what counts the hours we've put into something and asks when are we going to see the fruits of our labor.
Every jar a testament to the hours of labor Aunt Pearl put into canning the vegetables and fruit she grew on her acre and a half of gardens.
You would assume, despite his lukewarm review of the course, that he still liked his chances this week as he labored over lag putts late into a «peaceful evening» just hours before the first round.
I won't blame karma, but it should come as no surprise that 12 hours into my induction my OB recommended I have a c - section because my labor wasn't progressing.
While I can't say that having your membranes stripped is pleasant, it finally put me into active labor and I was admitted to L&D within 2 hours of having it done.
, My concern is what will happen to me if I go into labor in the off - hours before my due date.
For six agonizing hours I labored to bring my daughter into the world.
Now, seven hours into her induction, it's taking Cheryl longer than she hoped to advance to active labor.
Most of those mothers went into labor within the next 24 hours after losing their mucus plug and experiencing the «bloody show!»
After 10 hours of drug - free labor I had that blessed epidural and was able to rest, regain my strength and push my son into the world.
After laboring for 17 hours, I welcomed my beautiful 6 pound, 18 inch daughter into the world.
We loaded up the car, and once again, for fear of my mother's mountain driving, I drove myself two hours into town in labor while my husband followed behind.
Many labor - intensive hours go into the care of our crops.
What no one ever prepares you for is the nurse that comes into your room at 2 am after 10 hours of labor and a c - section, when you're exhausted and hungry, and tells you that the baby needs to be given formula because he hasn't taken the breast and will get dehydrated.
The week before I really went into labor, I would go for five hours with contractions 10 minutes apart.
I have spent hours inching down the freeway between my house and the hospital during morning rush hour, I would hate to go into labor at 8:30 a.m.
After almost 24 hours in labor, an emergency c - section and being on the verge of emotional and physical exhaustion, Maria Walker's son came into the world at 11:11 pm.
I had what June called a «fast and furious» labor, that was about 4 hours in length from the time I went into active labor.
My first birth was nearly 4 hours long, and I hadn't had even a twinge or a cramp until I went into obvious labor with her.
Even though going into labor meant I would need to cross the busiest land border in the world while in labor, possibly being stuck in traffic for hours (on top of the already far drive).
However, once your water breaks, your baby can be more vulnerable to infection via your vagina, so, within 24 hours of your water breaking, if you haven't gone into labor, your doctor will most probably give you something to induce labor.
and was induced, and after over 30 hours of labor had a c - section when the baby went into disress.
According to the story, a woman who had been in labor for 48 hours climbed into a tub of hot water to relax and her baby was born shortly afterward.
I felt very much in control going into the labor and had told my midwife that I didn't care how painful it was, I wanted it to be over within 2 hours so I stayed in positions that would increase the intensity and effectiveness of each contraction.
I went into labor on my due date and 48 hours later had to transfer to the hospital.
Even when you go into labor, it can be hours before you have your baby.
We decided that since it was still three weeks until baby's due date (and since I went right on my due date with my first child), it was unlikely I would go into labor that early and we felt comfortable with my husband traveling six hours to attend the wedding.
So I know you've heard maybe it is possible occasionally sometimes to have twins you know a few hours apart or born on different days but on this situation, this woman actually went into very preterm labor, 24 weeks, 5 days.
Women in those counties face great difficulties finding a doctor to care for them during pregnancy, and may have to drive up to an hour and a half to get to a hospital when they go into labor.
Two hours of labor and one big push brought this dashing little man earthside and into our hearts and lives.
I would rather not be shot up with pitocin and then have an epideral needled into my spine or have a dr cut out my child because they think that 12 hours of labor is long enough.
The afternoon of that appointment, I made some eggplant Parmesan using a recipe that is «famous» for putting women into labor within 48 hours.
Either they start suddenly and are really forceful and short (6 - 8 hours from start to finish doesn't seem uncommon) so it's like having your first labor condensed into half or less of the time, or else you have on - off labor for days that annoys you and makes you think the baby is never actually going to come out but then all of a sudden things turn around and the baby's out in 1 - 3 hours.
(I had the second type, with contractions every 12 - 15 minutes from Sunday evening'til Tuesday morning, then suddenly I went into hard labor and he was out in an hour.)
Connection: I'm sure it isn't the first thing on anyone's mind when they think about having a baby and all, but truth be told, the actual labor and arrival of a child into this world is a magnificent opportunity for the two people who created him or her to cash in on the kind of bonding that happens across the course of that special day, maybe even across just a few hours, but that perseveres and lasts for the rest of a lifetime.
Healthy women who go into labor on their own should not be expected to progress at a rate of 1 cm dilation per hour in the first stage of labor and therefore need no interventions to speed up their labor.
I am strong because I endured 24 hours of labor, and only dilated to 5 cm and he still hasn't dropped into the birthing canal.
If you live in a fairly traffic - ridden city and go into quick labor during rush hour traffic, or if you're simply scared of that possibility, you can always choose home birth.
For me, I was so naive, I went in and I was ready to have my baby that day, because I felt like I was done being pregnant, so I chose the elective induction, which turned into a very long route with Pitocin, then breaking my water, which turned into an epidural, and eventually my 18 hour labor.
Marites Hoyla: I actually have a very similar story, my first son was born about 41 weeks, and I'd gone into the hospital and I was in labor, my water didn't break, so they broke my water, thinking they'll kind of encourage labor to continue, and I reached about 24 hours and then I had a fever.
My water broke, and after over 24 hours I had still not gone into labor.
Despite having really good blood pressure all pregnancy and gaining only as much weight as my child + amniotic fluid + placenta, after being in labor for 4 hours (sans pitocin), my blood pressure suddenly soared into the 200s.
My daughter cried constantly and the guilt felt like a sharp - edged sword being plunged into this new part of my soul that, prior to 20 hours of labor, had never existed before.
If you do not go into active labor within 24 hours, you may be experiencing premature labor.
Raising the minimum wage to $ 15 an hour would benefit 927,400 city workers and pump $ 6.5 billion into the city's economy, according to state Labor Department report released yesterday.
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