Sentences with phrase «hours of my activity as»

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It's also a good choice for people who care about the company they support, as Tom's of Maine funnels much of its profits to charities and encourages employees to spend a percentage of their working hours doing volunteer activities.
It identifies and detects when suspicious activity occurs, such as a customer walking out of the store with unpaid merchandise, and concealment of goods on the sales floor, and allows merchants to go directly to the incident on video, saving hours of monitoring and reviewing.
When you're deciding where to live and start your business, you probably consider economic factors like cost of living, the available pool of talent, and whether a place is business - friendly, as well as personal factors like proximity to family and friends or what activities are available there to fill your leisure hours.
They can choose from a number of employee - led activities such as meditation, surf lessons, urban hikes, soccer, aerial yoga, and more — and at the end of the day, reconvene for a happy hour.
Add the hundreds of billions of hours people spend annually driving and riding in cars instead of engaging in other, potentially more productive (or stimulating) activity, and automotive transportation as practical utility and time - consuming necessity seems ripe for a redesigned consumer experience and relationship.
Even the combination of your work in multiple significant participation activities (SPAs), if it exceeds 500 hours, counts as material participation.
The term leisure (and the use of other related words yet to be defined, e.g., play, festivity, games, etc.) might best be limited to refer only to Clawson's «fun activities,» with a more neutral term such as discretionary time being used to indicate those moments or hours free from subsistence activity.
There are lessons here for us moderns, who often treat religion as an activity to be squeezed into a couple of hours on Friday nights or Sunday mornings.
A game is played, a picture is painted, or a garden is cultivated, and each activity is regarded by the amateur as a complete experience, rounded out within minutes, hours, or months, as the case may be, while for the worker — in the parallel cases of professional player, artist, or farmer — these achievements are but incidents within a continuous career.
What a strange pulsation there is to human life: as night comes on, active scenes are in a few hours deserted; not a soul is in sight except the occasional watchman or late reveller, and whole cities lie silent — cities of the dead, it might well seem, except that with the turn of the earth and the dawn of new day they revive to another brief and hectic activity.
Fernando is returning to the USA at the end of January to drive in the Daytona 24 Hours as he continues to expand his racing activities outside of F1.
Usually she needs at least a hour, so usually by the end of the activity, I'm gritting my teeth, but I remind myself that this is parenting, and all the «other stuff» isn't as important to her as this one activity.
As a caregiver, try and schedule all high energy and out of the norm activities — including doctor's appointments and family visits — for the morning hours whenever possible.
Most of us experience qualitative differences in our feeling and activity states during the daylight as compared with nighttime hours.
I don't know about you, but one of my favorite activities as a kid was going to the beach on a hot summer day and spending countless hours in the water and playing in the sand.
• Almost half (49 %) of all mums with children under one year old now work • Between 1975 — 1997, dads» care of infants and young children increased 800 % • Dads now take on a quarter (25 %) of the family's childcare - related activities during the working week • 8 out of 10 working fathers work atypical hours and as a result they lose more than 15 hours per week with their children — more than one month (32.5 days) each year.
According to the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, toddlers should get at least 30 minutes of structured physical activity each day as well as an additional hour or more of unstructured physical activity.
You can encourage your kids to enjoy hours of fun water bead play as a fun indoor or outdoor activity to fill a free summer afternoon!
Since the charging process takes a couple of hours, visitors can drive to Joppa Flats (tagged as a electric vehicle charging site on GPS), plug in, spend a couple of hours pursuing an activity or otherwise enjoying the education center, then drive home with a fully recharged vehicle.
As millions of children across the U.S. end their summer vacations and head back to school, parents are getting ready to ease their kids back into the school - year routine of homework, extracurricular activities and going to bed at a reasonable hour.
Through prenatal classes you will network with and learn from other people at the same stage of pregnancy as yourself, you will benefit from group activities and multi-media teaching aids, you will enjoy approximately 18 hours of instruction, and you will learn the four essentials that foster a confident and rewarding labour and birth: knowledge, relaxation / breathing techniques, comfort measures, and decision - making.
Town of Lexington (Lexington, MA) offers two classic day camps: Discover the Fun Day Camp, a theme - based day camp program open to children entering Grades 1 - 5 as of September 2018 (June 25 - August 17, 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, extended hours until 4:30 pm, $ 230.00 / week), and the Teddy Bear Picnic Preschool Program for kids ages 3 - 6 (June 25 - August 17, 9am - 12 pm, extended hours until 1 pm, $ 110 / week), which includes singing and movement activities, story and project time, group games, and swimming.
In 2015 researchers for the Journal of Physical Activity & Health found that active children who spent more than two hours watching TV each day were just as likely as inactive children were to be overweight or obese.
As mentioned above, teenagers need about 9 hours of sleep a night, but between school, sports, and other activities, they typically only get 6 — 7!?
This is the cost of the mother having to spend hours each day breastfeeding instead of other activities, such as paid work or home production (such as growing food).
Newborns should be nursed whenever they show signs of hunger, such as increased alertness or activity, mouthing, or rooting.85 Crying is a late indicator of hunger.86 Newborns should be nursed approximately 8 to 12 times every 24 hours until satiety, usually 10 to 15 minutes on each breast.87, 88 In the early weeks after birth, nondemanding babies should be aroused to feed if 4 hours have elapsed since the last nursing.89, 90 Appropriate initiation of breastfeeding is facilitated by continuous rooming - in.91 Formal evaluation of breastfeeding performance should be undertaken by trained observers and fully documented in the record during the first 24 to 48 hours after delivery and again at the early follow - up visit, which should occur 48 to 72 hours after discharge.
But then a recipe such as the following comes along to remind me: Stir - frying is the fastest method of cooking and perfect for busy days when work and family activities nudge into the dinner hour.
presents activities that will not only delight a small child for hours, but will stimulate his creativity and introduce him to basic laws of nature (such as gravity).
Between 2003 and 2008, fathers had on average 32 hours per week of free time; mothers had 31 hours.32 Fathers also had more leisure time than mothers, as discussed earlier in the chapter using 2003 to 2011 ATUS: On average, fathers spend about 28 hours per week on leisure activities, roughly three hours more than mothers.
Killington Resort, known as «The Beast of the East,» just announced extended hours of operation for the duration of the 2013 ski season!!!!! Even though Spring is here, there's still time to hit the trails for your favorite winter activities while soaking up the sun too.
Curb TV watching, computer play, and vigorous activity an hour or so before bedtime as these things tend to jazz kids up instead of calm them down.
The Munchkin bounce about baby door bouncer is great fun for babies, watch your baby develop their leg muscles as they bounce around in the well - supported washable saddle for hours of entertaining activity.
As a thumb rule, 16 - 20 hours a week of extra activity should be more than enough.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of Executive Chamber should contact the office of Theresa Brennan at 518-474-3036 / [email protected] as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event.
The Fiscal Policy Institute estimates that increasing New York's minimum wage to $ 9 per hour will generate more than $ 1.1 billion in new economic activity, supporting the creation of more than 10 - thousand new full - time jobs as businesses expand to meet increased consumer demand.
Universities are particularly sensitive to university space, resources and / or faculty being involved in outside activities during their working hours, and also for potential conflicts of interest, in which your university research could be biased by receiving outside funding from an inappropriate source, as when a drug company has a vested interest in the outcome of your independent research.
As a result of this synaptic upscaling, the activity of the affected network returned to its starting value after a period of between 24 and 48 hours.
After collecting 27,000 hours of recordings, the team analysed how dynamite blasts and other human activity, such as driving and setting up equipment, affected the number of elephant calls.
After collecting 27,000 hours of recordings, the team analysed how dynamite blasts and other human activity, such as driving and setting up equipment, affected the number...
Nobody really knows how the activity in your brain reorganizes as you learn new tasks, but new research from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh reveals that the brain has various mechanisms and constraints by which it reorganizes its neural activity when learning over the course of a few hours.
The analysis corrected for variables affecting bone strength, such as age, vitamin and mineral consumption, caffeine, smoking, alcohol consumption, hours per week of vigorous physical activity, and birth control and hormone supplements known to stimulate bone growth.
To remedy that absence, Golden's lab, along with plant physiologist Takao Kondo and colleagues at Nagoya University in Japan, developed an easy - to - read gauge of changing photosynthetic activity in colonies of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus, a blue - green alga whose one - celled organisms divide as often as once every 5 to 6 hours.
A new study shows that children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder follow fewer healthy lifestyle behaviors than non-ADHD youth, suggesting that they may benefit from improving lifestyle choices such as increasing water consumption, decreasing screen time and getting at least one hour of physical activity per day.
Upon analyzing the different types of activities, certain types of physical activity were associated with reduced risk of heart failure such as walking and bicycling or exercising more than one hour per week.
A new study suggests that among healthy adults with a habitual sleep duration of at least 6.5 hours, late sleep timing was associated with higher fast food consumption and lower vegetable intake, particularly among men, as well as lower physical activity.
That includes such policies as taxes based on potency to mitigate heavy use and dependence, limiting availability through trading hours and the number of outlets that sell the product, and restricting promotional activities.
He continues: «Our results suggest that the health benefits of physical activity are apparent even at levels below the recommended levels, compared to not doing any activity, but also that benefits are greater still for those who exceed the minimum recommendations, such that even when PA was as high as 60 MET hours / week benefits continued to occur, with the risk of developing T2D being more than halved in those individuals.»
The discovery opens a window into the genetic basis of the human circadian clock, which keeps body activities such as sleeping and eating on a roughly 24 - hour rhythm.
This week, millions of students in classrooms around the world will take part in Hour of Code activities or in similar projects aimed at increasing student exposure to computer science as part of Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek).
With the first spontaneous movements taking place as early as 17 hours post-fertilization and swimming behavior occuring after 27 hours, zebrafish embryos prove to be a good model for the study of development of locomotor activity.
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