Sentences with phrase «house as an allergen»

Try allocating a room in your house as an allergen - free place so you get to enjoy some respite.

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Triggers that can worsen this condition include house dust mites, viral infections, some vaccination and high temperatures, as well as allergens such as detergents, soaps and creams, says Dr Koh.
In addition to the causal relationship, the scientists discovered the mechanism behind this: farm dust makes the mucous membrane inside the respiratory tracts react less severely to allergens such as house dust mite.
Perera's team analyzes housing conditions and psychosocial stressors as well as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cigarette smoke, insecticides, toxic metals, and indoor allergens.
Current clinical management for asthma focuses on reducing lung and airway inflammation triggered by allergens, such as house dust mites, mold, etc..
As explained by Dr. Amy Randall, «Immunotherapy is the use of FDA standardized allergens (pollens, house dust mites, molds) in a liquid formulation which is administered to the allergic patient to help desensitize her to those environmental allergens she has developed an allergy to.»
Also try to reduce your household allergens — better known as house dust mites and house dust.
«The next most common allergies are environmental and due to seasonal pollens, molds, and insects and non-seasonal allergens such as house dust and house dust mites.
Environmental allergens such as pollen, molds, and house dust mites are frequent causes of allergy.
Much more likely to be the cause is flea bites and environmental allergens such as pollen, molds, grasses, and house mites.
Allergies are most commonly due to inhalant / contact allergens such as: Mold Grass Trees Dander House dust Pollen And possible food allergies Many times pets with underlying allergies may lead to secondary bacterial and / or yeast infections -LSB-...]
Allergies are most commonly due to inhalant / contact allergens such as molds, grasses, trees, dander, house dust, pollen, as well as possible food allergies.
(One indoor allergen responsible for much atopic dermatitis in dogs, the feces of the ubiquitous house dust mite, is a major allergen for humans, as well.)
Canine atopy is caused by allergens such as pollens, weeds, and house dust mites.
This will help to filter out airborne allergens, such as house dust mites, cats and dogs, pollen and mould, as well as smoke and bacteria, which are common irritants.
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