Sentences with phrase «house character»

The house is new but she gave it some old house character, so check out all the ideas she has for adding charm to a new house, too!
You can always give a new house character with old things.
This beach retreat proves that true summer - house character comes not always from age, but from timeless design and room to play.
Remove floor and replace with the same # 1 or maybe different # 4 hex tile to keep the original character of the house
Inspired tones of summer radiate from the bold striped pattern, lending cool beach house character to casual room decor.
Furnished throughout to the highest standards by British designer Michael Sodeau, the Bay House character is sophisticated and functional but pleasantly understated.
Light fixtures reminiscent of a bygone era give this newer house character.
I've embarked on a journey to give this builder grade house character and somehow make my family of four fit into a somewhat cramped space.
I wanted the kitchen to have lot of personality, but needed to honor the original space and tie in old house character with the new elements so they work together to complement the feel of the whole house.
If Harry himself is not your fave, you can request Ron, Hermione, or a different Hogwart's house character.
I love how this has given our house the character it was lacking.
Kojima has taken pointers from silent hill by making the house a character, much like the town of Silent Hill itself.
Whether its the tree - lined street or the unique facades that lend character to each house
While exploring the house the character finds a VCR tape and puts it in the TV, because when you're going to die at any moment you want to watch a tape instead of running for your life.
Our home started out as a pretty basic builder home, and I've worked hard to bring in elements and customizations that have made it feel more like us, and also give it some of that old house character that we love so much.
It gives our house character and a conversation point at gatherings!
And, unless drywall is really smooth and well done, it just doesn't do much for the old house character of a home.
Maybe if I added some old house character I would feel those goosebumps about my new house too?
Excuse our Photoshop skills, but we had fun giving our house some character and new features, just imagining possibilities!
Wood gives a house its character,» Jane says.
I watch for details I can add over time to give a house character.
«Wood gives a house its character
While living in this house we further refined our style and realized that it is possible to give any house character... even a boring 1969 split level one:).
It's the unexpected clashes of colour that give this house character.
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