Sentences with phrase «house editors»

The traditional publishing house editor roles don't exist there.
Work with in - house editors at the publishing house to further revise the manuscript.
Our clients have their manuscripts considered by publishing - house editors frequently, and some of them end up with a contract.
Even in - house editors know which of their colleagues are talented and which are not.
Agents have a list, publishing houses have a list, and individual publishing house editors have a list.
As a Random House editor told me in an e-mail exchange concerning that ill - fated venture, «There are no minor leagues at major publishing houses.»
She is a former publishing house editor in chief and an optioned screenwriter.
I'll be curious to see if there are any major pub house editors gone a-wooing.
Recently, I participated in an online conversation touching on self - publishing, in which a self - published writer commented on how happy she is that her books are truly her own — published exactly as she intended them, not mutilated or adulterated by some big publishing house editor whose main goal is to turn out cookie - cutter authors... (Keep reading)
You know, the one we hit to find the greatest story ever written, most savvy agent, or big publishing house editor who is floored by our writing.
I've worked in the publishing industry for over twenty - five years, first as a freelance journalist, then as an in - house editor for LexisNexis.
POLITICO's senior policy reporter David Nather, deputy White House editor Rebecca Sinderbrand and reporter Alex Isenstadt join senior White House reporter Glenn Thrush for a discussion on Spitzer and Weiner comebacks, Obamacare delay and the battle for immigration reform.
DECORATING AND FURNITURE CRAFTING Players will be able to personalize their homes by crafting or buying furniture and decorations and then placing those items using the game's new Housing Editor.
This new breed of editor is taking on the work that the harried house editors and agents can not do.
Sorry, just have to add this... Destinoex mentioned a publishing house editor saying self - pubbed authors were the dregs and had no talent (I shortened this - see Destinoex's post for the full wording!)
Former in - house editor Emma Dryden on going solo and the growing need for unaffiliated editors and consultants in the changing children's publishing market.
Patrice realizes she needs to start a dedicated business with in - house editors overseeing aspects of projects that don't need her direct supervision.
Most House editors don't understand historical terms and you'd be surprised at what they tried to substitute!
(She submitted my story to publishing house editors before an official offer of representation had been made or accepted, and she never asked for or received my permission to speak to these editors in an unofficial role either.
Experienced in - house editor desired for a FT, long - term role.
Oh, and every book will be assigned to «an accomplished Random House editor and a dedicated publicist.
How do you see the laying - off of so many in - house editors in the past couple of years affecting the work you both do, and how these new independents with publishing contacts and skills will play out in the workforce — both as literary agents and as independent editors — in the next few years?
LR: When in - house editors go independent it brings credibility to my profession.
Of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, none have flipped back and forth between parties as often as the 24th District since 2008, according to David Wasserman, House editor of the Cook Political Report, a nonpartisan political newsletter that tracks elections.
Recently, I participated in an online conversation touching on self - publishing, in which a self - published writer commented on how happy she is that her books are truly her own — published exactly as she intended them, not mutilated or adulterated by some big publishing house editor whose main goal is to turn out cookie - cutter authors.
Taking audiences behind the scenes of the editorial process, publishing house editors at the recent Kbh Reads festival showed how they handle their work — and an author's.
Adept AUTHORfocus provides you with an in - house editor who refines your manuscript and connects with you for one - to - one feedback on all aspects of book production, from conception to reception.
(Partly this is because the large publishing houses have downsized and been gobbled up in recent years, and many of the former publishing house editors have now hung out shingles as literary agents.)
It's team of in - house editors and independent doctors help curate information so users can find what they need quickly and easily.
We met a public school administrator, a publishing house editor, an event planner, several college professors, women's ministry leaders, and students.
But white - collar central New Jersey is now questioning its allegiance to the GOP in the era of Trump much more than it did then,» wrote David Wasserman, Cook's House editor.
Or more likely these days: the name of an imprint concocted as a favor to an in - house editor.
Even if your manuscript has already been accepted by a traditional publishing house, if their in - house editor has to spend all her time fixing your mistakes, she won't be able to catch the deeper, more subtle nuances of your text.
Professional authors receive developmental editing from their house editors, but indie authors must seek it out for themselves, and it is especially critical in the beginning of one's career when one is still learning the craft.
Having worked with in - house editors, you understand the value of getting feedback from someone who understands professional writing techniques.
In fact, one common complaint of traditionally - published authors is that after their manuscripts were accepted, the publisher's house editor went through and thoroughly, unilaterally sterilized the writing.
In today's publishing world, more and more people are using freelance professional book editors, people unencumbered by the responsibilities of selling your book like agents and publishing house editors — whether to book chains, sales teams, or (in the case of agents) editors at publishing houses.
The exception being if you have a publishing contract, where the in - house editor can demand changes you might not like, but will have few options over.
But too many agents aren't interested, or they have conflict - of - interest issues with their own publishing company, in - house editors, etc..
Helga Schier, Ph.D., a former Random House editor, draws on her experience in traditional publishing when providing constructive and effective editorial services to authors of fiction and non-fiction.
If you don't have an editor, BookLogix has in - house editors and can edit your book for you.
Our team of in - house editors and publishing professionals allows us to provide premium services at very affordable prices.
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