Sentences with phrase «house in the neighborhood»

To get a more accurate estimate of the market value find out the sale price of houses in the neighborhood in which you plan to buy that sold within the last year or so.
But to really ensure that your home will sell fast, be sure the upgrades that you carry out before you sell it are comparable with other houses in your neighborhood.
The survey found that two - thirds of the respondents support building more affordable housing in their neighborhood (31 percent «strongly support» and 35 percent «somewhat support»).
He created the sale of our home successfully while other houses in our neighborhood went into foreclosure during the worst housing downturn in history.
Mortgage applications to purchase a home were unchanged for the week, despite strong showings at open houses in neighborhoods across the nation.
Before he died, my father bought the wreck at auction, planned on restoring it to its original state, just like he did for so many smaller houses in the neighborhood.
However, the most important factor is to make sure there is demand for rental housing in the neighborhood you choose make your purchase.
When you're house hunting, any good Realtor will tell you it's a mistake to buy the best house in a neighborhood.
There are empty houses in my neighborhood and crime has increased so my neighborhood is no longer safe.
Anyway, she called me recently to ask me to make some inquiries about an abandoned house in her neighborhood.
«We were looking at it as a recovery solution for disasters — smaller housing in neighborhood settings,» he says.
But after a few years, I noted they had taken the worst house in the neighborhood and made it one of the best.
So it is for houses in some neighborhoods when half a dozen «for sale» signs go up.
Another point to consider when buying a house is not to buy the biggest house in the neighborhood, but rather buy one of the average or smaller sizes in the best location.
IMO houses in that neighborhood the number of bedrooms is not a huge deal, I would stick with 3 in that size of a house.
This new property is a stand - alone house in a neighborhood.
Short - term housing in some neighborhoods is commanding up to $ 300 a night.
The data reflect appreciation rates for the neighborhood overall, not necessarily each individual house in the neighborhood.
I fell in love with a painted brick house in our neighborhood — loved the color of it and was thinking about doing ours the same color.
You can create a seaside cottage in the most humble of houses in any neighborhood.
The group has put together its own ten - point plan members want to see adopted to preserve existing affordable housing in their neighborhood.
Such properties are poorly maintained and have a lower market value than other houses in the neighborhood.
«There's an overall plan for about 150 houses in a neighborhood setting,» he explains.
Before I started buying houses in that neighborhood I used to flip lots there, because a lot of new construction was happening (all mortgage fraud, as I later learned).
Rental houses in neighborhoods where homes usually rent for a dollar a square foot are averaged in with those that rent for 50 cents / foot.
Wealthier families had the money to buy expensive houses in neighborhoods with better schools — we didn't.
Staten Islanders should have no doubt that this Brooklyn political hack will sell them out to pay back these votes, and surely build low - income housing in our neighborhoods with his cronies at City Hall.
The Emeryville, Calif. — based company's Web site allows consumers to post reviews of their sales practitioners and see what other houses in their neighborhood sold for.
It's almost never a good strategy to have the most expensive house in the neighborhood because the value (and rents) appreciates more slowly.
The judge ruled that the store had every resource to know the logistical challenges with getting that mattress up the stairs because they also owned the moving company and have delivered to similar houses in my neighborhood before.
It is tons of fun to experience but this year after our party, we decided to be mellow and head home to take the boys to a few houses in our neighborhood before heading to bed.
«There is a need for affordable housing in every neighborhood in this city, and we welcome every opportunity to make the case for it directly to communities,» city spokesperson Melissa Grace wrote in an email.
«Now Recchia refuses to stand up to de Blasio's plan to build government housing in our neighborhoods
«New York City needs more supportive housing in every neighborhood to get more than 40,000 parents and children out of shelters and into permanent housing,» said Councilmember Ben Kallos.
Evaluating the prices of comparable houses in the neighborhood may sometimes solve this problem.
Residents continued to meet once or twice a week but soon realized they needed outside help to get the old houses in the neighborhood rehabbed.
If you find yourself looking at houses in the neighborhood of that $ 521,875 figure, you'll have some interesting decisions to make.
One guy called me and «offered» his house to me for $ 20K above the highest price that I had seen houses in that neighborhood sold for.
SFRs: Neighborhood Quality Positively Impacts Values Other houses in a neighborhood drive up or push down the value of your investment property, a commonly known fact in the real estate industry.
Under his leadership, the Park District began community programs and opened facilities and field houses in neighborhoods across the city.
Of course, it's not news that the cost of housing in neighborhoods near Center City has been steadily creeping up over the last few years.
Husbands and wives were generally separated that night, the gentlemen going to the different houses in the neighborhood to sleep, as we had done.
So Tsalidi came to town last season, eschewing the dormitories for a rented house in a neighborhood mostly filled with KU students where he and Brenda live together.
The mayor has also strongly refuted those criticisms, saying he has tweaked «broken windows» policing to focus on those who commit crimes and that his rezoning efforts are the only way to preserve affordable housing in neighborhoods facing unchecked gentrification.
«The Keeping Hours» is a gentle ghost story about that deserted house in your neighborhood and works because of the tragic chemistry between Pace and Carrie Coon.
Zoning regimes are a crucial factor in the cost gap within large metro areas between housing in neighborhoods with high - scoring and low - scoring schools: the Brookings Institution found that areas with the least restrictive zoning have housing cost gaps that are 40 to 63 percentage points lower than areas with the most exclusionary zoning (pg.
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