Sentences with phrase «houseflies also»

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The housefly (also house - fly or house fly)(Musca domestica) is the most common fly occurring in homes and indeed one of the most widely distributed animals and the most familiar of all flies; it is a pest that can facilitate serious diseases.
Sure, it's about a guy who swaps a little DNA with a housefly and finds himself transforming into an inhuman monster — but it's also a powerful metaphor for humanity's fear of disease and a tragic love story at the same time.
The itchy pooch was also found to be allergic to other materials, such as cat dander, pollinating plants, walnuts, and insects like cockroaches and houseflies.
A warm weather disease that primarily affects dogs confined to the outdoors in the summer and fall, fly strike is most often caused by the common stable fly, however, blackflies, deer flies, and houseflies can also bite.
Protects wounds and sores from houseflies, stable flies, face flies and horn flies — also kills them on contact.
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