Sentences with phrase «housing help keep»

«Strong energy - efficiency codes for housing help keep utility bills down, and help families stay in their homes.»
Putting all screens in a common area of the house helps you keep an eye on what — and how much — your child is watching.
The Wrist Housing helps keep the camera safe and flat against your wrist but with the maneuverability letting you rapidly position it to capture photos or videos.
Killeen - Payne says: «Open House helps you keep track of the possible buyers and also emails them details and thank yous after the open house.

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In between, Williams holds weekly in - house meetings that reinforce the lessons and help keep them fresh.
Additionally, InfusionSoft houses a plethora of ecommerce elements to help generate sales, meet fulfillment expectations, and keep customers coming back again and again.
A soft launch of your product will help you learn more about your own development than you ever could have learned by keeping it in - house.
Caregivers and Aides perform a critical role in helping those who are not chronically ill, yet need assistance with daily activities like bathing, house keeping, personal hygiene, using the toilet, running errands, cooking, etc..
The White House's disclosure about the case helped keep allegations about the president and the adult film actress in the national spotlight for a second day and marked the latest twist in the ongoing legal drama over Daniels» efforts to abandon a confidentiality agreement.
One way that you can do that is to keep much of your business operations in - house without seeking outside help.
Housing new non-traditional expertise to help keep them informed about buyers and customers.
Also, the White House was a fervent supporter of massive monetary stimulus as he helped keep the economy from sliding into a chaotic state of asset liquidation.
Additionally, we have massive in - house support from Nancy Corrie, our Chief Financial Officer, and Beth Spyratos, our Office Manager, who help keep the train on the tracks on a daily basis.
I'm trying to raise $ 50 to help Covenant House keep the doors open for this 50 %.
Programs to help parents get jobs Pre k programs for children After school programs to keep kids out of trouble Affordable housing School lunch Increase school budgets for the arts and sports Summer job programs for children
In early 1979, Sid had revealed that he was considering job offers elsewhere, and, to keep him at Wiltshire, several close friends in the congregation developed a plan to help Sid buy his own house.
When I got home to a messy house, they set up food to be delivered, and finally, completely unrelated to each other, another group of bloggers sent house keeping to help me catch up over the holidays.
Of course, it helps keep the house cool and we end up with a lot less clean up too which is a big plus.
The oven helps keep the kitchen the warmest place in the house — besides being closest to the cookie jar.
But It's spring now and I am working hard to try to reverse some of the effects of a long winter in the house with holiday treats and good comfort food that helped keep me warm and cozy this winter and added a few pounds.
When we hosted a full Christmas dinner at our house last year for a bunch of friends, I went looking for hot winter drinks that I could prepare ahead of time and keep warm in our two slowcookers so that friends could help themselves to a hot cozy cocktail anytime they wanted.
Before you get too carried away frosting your soon to be gorgeous house, cover any leftover frosting with plastic wrap — this will help keep it from drying out.
In addition, six workshops, offsite trainings, certifications, back - of - house tours, boot camps and more have been specifically designed to help professionals keep current with the fast pace of change.
Really, keeping the oven off totally helps keep the house cooler....
You don't have to cook them which help keep your house cooler and in turn helps keep you cool too.
I also put mine in the oven with just the light on to rise, as I keep my house cool, and that has really helped my rising time.
2) if I keep them indoors in the winter, do I need to keep them in light & water them like a regular house plant?Thanks for your help!!!
Can AEPi keep the Dynasty going for their house or can DU help try to assure we'll have a new house hold the Crown for the first time!?
Just getting out of the house and getting involved helps to keep you busy as well as settle into university.
Starting in toddlerhood, have your child help keep her bedroom tidy (as well as assist with other age - appropriate chores around the house.)
Tip: If the house is very dry, you might consider putting a cool - mist humidifier in the room where your baby sleeps to help keep his nasal passages moist.
Keeping healthy snack options in the house and avoiding junk food altogether can help keep your mind at ease and groom your child into developing healthier eating habits.
A room thermometer can help keep the room at the right temperature (anywhere between 16 - 18 degrees Celsius) but also check if thre's a window is open elsewhere in the house that's cooling the room too much or your baby has too many layers and is getting too hot.
This is a safe alternative to bed sharing that can even help you keep your baby close by during daytime naps, since it's on wheels and can easily be moved around the house as needed.
From managing mealtime to minimizing mess, moms and dads of multiples need plenty of help in keeping their house in order.
To encourage them to help keep the house tidy, hang a few low hooks so they can hang up their own coats and art smocks.
Getting kids to help out with cleaning isn't always the easiest feat, but I am a firm believer in «if you live in this house, you need to help keep in clean.»
Not only does it help to put Kayden to sleep, by putting it on a low volume while he is sleeping, it also helps to keep him asleep by drowning out other house noises.
Zoe Barnes (played by actress Kate Mara), one of the main characters on the very popular Netflix show House of Cards, helped keep the name Zoe on our top 100 list this year.
One day, baby will be ready and excited to go out with me on adventures and help around the house, but until then, I'll keep looking for shortcuts to keep this household running smooth (as smooth as it can get, anyway!).
I put on a fan for my son the white noise helps him fall asleep faster and if mommy and daddy want to stay up they don't need to worry about keeping the rest of the house super quiet, because the sound of the fan usually will drown out the noise going on in the rest of the house.
Things We Liked: They make perfect and safe house booties that can help toddlers who are still learning how to walk while keeping their feet comfortable, warm, and stylish.
If noise from other rooms or outside of the house keeps them up, a white noise machine might help as well.
These devices can help you in keeping your child from entering potentially dangerous areas of the house for him like the basement.
Even the most experienced parent needs a little help keeping their little one contained when they're busy around the house.
If you can manage to seal off the kitchen area from the rest of the house and leave the kitchen contractors to their work without being disturbed, this will help things to go more smoothly and quickly, as well as helping to keep the rest of your house free from dust.
They are asked to help with various things around the house — some of them are things they need to do to take care of themselves (like put their clean clothes away and keep their rooms somewhat tidy) and some of them are things they are asked to do to help take care of our home and our family because they are part of our family and they contribute just like the adults do (like empty the dishwasher, help cook dinner, or help a younger sibling).
It is an ingenious device that is designed to help parents keep an eye on their baby while they carry on with other tasks and finish the chores around the house.
It includes a lot of little things you can do each day that will go a LONG way toward keeping your house clean so that you can avoid a lot of the stress that comes with a messy and cluttered house, and it can also help you to avoid what I like to call «marathon cleaning.»
House rules and boundaries do more than keep you sane; they also help a developing child feel stable and secure.
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