Sentences with phrase «how emissions permits»

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Instead, the numbers — meant to represent average emissions from industrial activities — were incorporated into permits stipulating how much pollution individual facilities could release.
Key Issues for Discussion and Comment in the ANPR: Descriptions of key provisions and programs in the CAA, and advantages and disadvantages of regulating GHGs under those provisions; How a decision to regulate GHG emissions under one section of the CAA could or would lead to regulation of GHG emissions under other sections of the Act, including sections establishing permitting requirements for major stationary sources of air pollutants; Issues relevant for Congress to consider for possible future climate legislation and the potential for overlap between future legislation and regulation under the existing CAA; and, scientific information relevant to, and the issues raised by, an endangerment analysis.
Cap and trade may seem like the big offer on the emission reductions table at the moment — one mention of alternatives like a straight carbon tax send many people (the average American in particular) into apoplectic fits — but Annie «The Story of Stuff» Leonard wants you to take a closer look.There are so many troubling details in how cap and trade is currently proposed — free permit giveaways to polluters, massive potential for bogus offsetting projects, the ever - present potential of distracting us from making real changes — that we really need to consider other options.
So good idea in theory, but hard to see how purchasing excess permits will lead to reduced GHG emissions.
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