Sentences with phrase «how jesus»

Carpenter rightly complains that I have not explained sufficiently how Jesus affects us.
Just think about how Jesus went through the cross.
We could show how Jesus Christ is the savior of the world.
Ever notice how Jesus and Horus are usually shown with a gold disk over their heads... Jesus is a metaphor for the sun... nothing more.
You know how Jesus felt about praying in public.
In his novel, The Nazarene, he shows us how Jesus might have seemed to those who saw him in the flesh.
The Life of 3.14 I minored in Classical Studies and the more you dig into the cult of Mithras the easier it is to see how Jesus was built around it.
It is especially there that one glimpses how Jesus stood on issues of Torah, temple, territory and ethnic ties.
You're going to talk about how Jesus died for every tribe, tongue and nation.
I am looking to heal that inner abused spiteful child, even if it means expressing myself in ways I'd rather not and sitting with my conscious mind and having a heart to heart about how Jesus would never desire this pain to propel my walk of faith.
Mainly, though, I know not to put much stock in my mixed reaction to my mother's grief because I know the story of how Jesus died.
Do you have any suggestion on how Jesus may have responded physiologically to the woman, who washed his feet with her tears, at the Pharisee's home, dried them with her let - down hair, kissed his feet repeatedly and anointed them with perfume?
If this is how Jesus talks... he's a really immature and quite nasty deity.
In Hebrews 5, the author is trying to explain how Jesus is better than the Levitical priesthood of Judaism.
Jeremy, the last 2 books I've read are Paul and Jesus How the Apostle Transformed Christianity by James Tabor and How Jesus Became Christian by Barrie Wilson... Both books are critical of Paul.
No, my eyes teared up because so many Christians will see this as an accurate depiction of how Jesus relates to his followers, and when the young Christian begins to feel the waining of the initial emotional experience, and begins to experience unhealthy desires, she may spend many years as I did, wondering where in the hell is Jesus.
Tomorrow we will look at how Jesus wanted the Rich Young Ruler (and churches today) to view wealth and possessions.
Who cares how Jesus would cut the budget?
If so, then the words tell us not how Jesus died but what his death meant to his followers, and this is the medium by which faith is transmitted in the church.
Portrayals of God in the Old Testament which contradict how Jesus represents God to us are inerrant portrayals of what people thought God was like, but are not inerrant portrayals of what God is actually like.
It is interesting that we talk about how Jesus chose the lowly and humble people to do his work.
Did you not notice how Jesus criticised legalistic attitudes?
Without this pulsation in the Torah, we would not understand how Jesus could have, on the one hand, opposed the «traditions of the elders,» which is to say, the multiplication and excess load of commandments put forth by the scribes and Pharisees, and, on the other hand, have declared that in the Kingdom the Law would be fulfilled to its last iota.
For example, if these three parables are talking about how Jesus goes out to find unsaved people, and the lost sheep, coins, and sons therefore represent all the people of the world, what is keeping us from a universalist interpretation of this passage, since Jesus doesn't stop searching until he has gathered all 100 back into his fold?
Frankly, the whole argument sounds somewhat silly to modern ears, but was quite consistent with Hebraic ways of thinking about their ancestors and helps solve the dilemma about how Jesus could be our High Priest even though He was not of the Tribe of Levi.
in future posts, I hope I can show how Jesus helps us understand more of the violent texts of the Bible.
This is how Jesus loves His Church and marriage at its best is meant to be a picture of this relentless kind of love.
Affirming truths in other religions opens a door to share how Jesus fulfills all the longings left unmet and fills the gaps that beg to be filled.
«There are contradictions between the different accounts about how Jesus was raised from the dead.
His statements are critically important, for Peter lived and walked with Jesus, and would likely have heard how Jesus explained the flood.
Pate shows that Paul wrote to reveal how Jesus fulfills and completes these hopes and dreams.
In particular, we might explore how Jesus» immensely graced human words, deeds and sufferings, love and obedience, prayer and sacrifice, are the «incarnation» of his eternal, divine Sonship.
I think one of the things about Christianity is that it is not simply a faith that you understand at a spiritual faith level, but in fact can be also justified through logic... You look at how Jesus fulfilled perfectly, to the letter, every single prophecy that was made of the coming Messiah.
This book purports to be a survey of the Old Testament with an emphasis on how Jesus would have read and understood the Hebrew Scriptures.
The first is we really want to create a deeper discipleship around refugees and how Jesus would actually respond to the refugees.
Just saying that we should keep in mind about how Jesus has been portrayed in images as publicly appealing when scripture says He was not.
Ultimately, I was hoping that this book would show us how Jesus Himself read and understood the only Bible He had, namely, the Jewish Scriptures.
That's how Jesus treated us.
But as I finished Love is an Orientation I felt for the first time like I had a good guess of how Jesus might respond were I to ask him that question today.
It could probably be said that the letters of Paul are not only intended to show how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah, but how Jesus also fulfills the Graeco - Roman expectations for what Caesar was supposed to be and do.
This was a really convicting point for me, because I often wonder how Jesus would have responded if he had been asked the question, «Is homosexuality a sin?»
It relieves us of the necessity of trying to explain how Jesus could have been mistaken on so important a matter, and the demythologizing covers the entire gamut of miracle stories and a good many other puzzling passages.
She persuasively shows how Jesus set aside the Old Covenant with its rules and regulations and gave us a New Covenant based on the one command to love one another.
As Christians celebrate Good Friday, Pastor Kerry Shook explores how Jesus spent his last days on Earth.
In the next part we will see how Jesus treated the Old Testament.
I listen, fascinated, when people tell their stories at the front and I hear of their own individual challenges and joys and tales of how Jesus has touched their lives.
Thus the reason why I am searching to learn how Jesus addressed the sinners He was confronted with or stumbled across without a judgemental attitude but one of love that struck the hearts of those He told ``... go and sin no more.»
What is noteworthy here is how Jesus links his own anticipation of the arrival of God's future to the contemporary standards of expectation that he inherited from his culture.
This is how Jesus did it.
When I think of God's true ministry I think of how Jesus just found people.
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