Sentences with phrase «how about bully»

Adults are listening to kids, they want gun control well how about bully control.
And how about the bullying of skeptics by the GHG crowd?

Not exact matches

Re / code talked to After School's creators — Cory Levy and Michael Callahan (of One, a San Francisco - based social media startup), and asked them some questions about their app and about how they plan on combatting the obvious strain of bullying that goes hand - in - hand with anonymous apps such as theirs.
Cash Allocations: I talked about this chart in the video on the Global Risk Radar, specifically I talked about this alongside the chart which showed valuations as expensive for the major assets (property, stocks, and bonds), and how it reflects the trend where central banks have bullied investors out of cash and into other assets.
Second, church bullies almost always like feeling important and knowledgeable, be it about how the church should be run, what God and the Bible say, and how other people should think, live and vote.
Where, when, or how have you seen church bullies in your life, and what did you do about them, if anything?
Bullying other people seems to «prove» to them that they really are smart, buddies with God, and very knowledgeable about how most things should be done and how life should be lived.
I talked about this in a recent post, The Gospel According to Lady Gaga, regarding how Christian communities should take a more personal and active interest in protecting gay kids from being bullied in schools.
I'm rather certain based on how you speak here that you lied about being a psychologist, no good psychologist would call anyone stupid or use the bullying techniques you do.
They take every opportunity to brag about Fox News's ratings and how conservatives dominate the radio waves but the second anyone points out something stupid or offensive said by one of the right's propaganda bullies, they scream «mainstream media bias» and «left wing conspiracy».
It's surprising how many adult bullies there are once you start talking about it.
How about «you are clearly bullying me» and when laughing at them for saying that, them responding with «and now you are laughing».
My 16 year old cousin was just talking 2 me about how she got bullied by guys at school cause she wouldn't send nudes & then I see this.
22 attempts and 8 on target... Oh please, please someone enlighten me as to why we do nt need another CF and how Giroud is a good one when he got bullied by a 16 year old debutant who forced him to go out wide as a lone striker, That defence too my god people were talking about how Koscielny and Metersacker were the best pairing at Cb no were not... and today proved why there were a few times metersacker overcommited when payet was dribblng left a gaping hole in that defence and if westhams strikers were on the ball this would have been a much larger margin.
«We talked about it a lot, we heard about it, how they are a physical team that wants to be bullies and how, if they can, will just run the ball down your throats,» Raiders rookie linebacker Nicholas Morrow said.
Writing sanctimoniously about how you WORK AND parent WITHOUT alcohol, well bully for you, enjoy being perfect up on your cloud.
In the following video, you see Caine talk candidly about the type of bullying he experiences every school day and how he finds solace in simple things like video games and Harry Potter.
These include not only changing the way your child thinks about the situation, but also how he views himself after being bullied.
As your children head back to school, you'll want to talk to them about what it means to be a good friend and how to deal with bullying.
Often, bullies simply aren't getting enough rest, which not only makes them irritable, but it also makes it harder for them to make good choices about how to treat people.
You do know that you are proving Dr Amy's point about how lactivists are just narcissistic bullies right?
Educate your child about bullying, and give him or her ideas on how to handle a bully should he or she come face to face with one.
Tina Meier, Executive Director of the Megan Meier Foundation, talks about how bullying affects kids in elementary school and the impact it has as they grow older
Lastly, we talked about how to discuss bullying when sometimes media portrayals show the bully winning or coming out on top!
From packing your hospital bag, to how to breastfeed, to putting your baby on a sleep schedule, handling toddler tantrums and potty training, and talking to you kids about popularity and bullying, to — ah!
We also chat about how to connect with your child so that you can recognize the signs of bullying — whether your child is a victim or perpetrator of bullying.
The thing about teasing, however, is that it can quickly turn into bullying, especially with little kids who don't necessarily know how to stop a situation from spiraling out of control.
Talk to her about what having power over others means, and encourage empathy by asking her how it might feel to be on the other side, left out, bullied, or excluded.
Read more about how to prevent and stop bullying.
I'd rather think about her name than think about how I'm going to keep her safe out there... or maybe it's because we all know that, despite our best efforts, we can't prevent them from being bullied, or getting hurt, or just feeling the ups and downs of being human... so we try to exert some control over the one thing that we know will travel with them... maybe it's a little like trying to wrap them in a protective spell J
Also, talk about how to spot a bully or mean girl, as well as ways to prevent possible encounters or altercations.
In this episode of The Family Couch, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Danielle Matthew talks to us about the bullying epidemic — including how bullying has shifted over the years, what to do to manage cyberbullying, signs of bullying, and what parents can do to support their child through bullying.
When your child is bullied, talk with your child about how to stay safe.
When kids take the time to stop and think about how something might make another person feel, they are more likely to take a stand or get help for someone who is being bullied.
Talk to your kids about how to avoid bullies.
Once you realize that a low sense of self - worth — stemming from not truly feeling valued by and connected to the parent — is at the root of the bullying, to lower how good the child feels about herself even more by shaming her could boomerang in a terrible way.
«I want to be clear about what's happening: rather than go before the members of our State Committee this weekend and make an argument as to why he deserves our endorsement, Governor Cuomo has instead chosen to respond the only way he knows how: retaliating with bullying and threats,» Lipton wrote.»
Rather than silly Punch and Judy rhetoric about Tories it might be instructive to consider just how far and how destructively New Labour has combined a market ideology (inherited from Thatcherism, although frequently misunderstood) with a preference for social engineering once favoured by what had been the more Statist elements of the Left to create social bullying through rationing, which is what this is all about.
I'll hazard a guess: how about he's a dishonest yutz, a know - nothing, a bully and a coward who is out for himself and doesn't give a damn about real issues or real people.
«To drain a swamp, you need an Army Corps of Engineers, experts schooled in service and serious purpose, not do - nothing, say - anything, neophyte opportunists who know a lot about how to bully and bluster, but not so much about truth, justice and fairness.»
WAMC political observer Dr. Alan Chartock talks about Democrats threatening to abandon President Obama on health provisions, how the merger of American Airlines and US Airways may effect consumers and what Preet Bharara plans to do about bullying in the Pine Bush school district in upstate New York.
«I'm not foolish enough to speak to the governor without having a staffer in the room,» he said, because he had «heard numerous stories about how the governor has manipulated and bullied people.»
«Once school districts and boards realize how much funding is lost — especially in those districts that are struggling for funds — we see that it is worth the investment to do something about bullying
«How often are adolescent boys given the opportunity to talk with one another about masculinity norms and their challenges, including norms embracing violence or the effects of emasculating bullying?
The research - based anti-bullying program, called KiVa, includes role - playing exercises to increase the empathy of bystanders and computer simulations that encourage students to think about how they would intervene to reduce bullying.
It's unfortunate that the biggest bullies of women are fellow females, but it's refreshing to see a man care so deeply about how women treat women.
Let's take it closer to home... how about the mean girl in high school, the bully who picked on the weak kids, the vindictive businessman?
Darling you opened up about how you were bullied and it spoke to me.
But what I really did not like, is the fact that Urasek makes a lot of comments about the people shes met based on this appearance after writing about how she used to get bullied about her looks.
It's disheartening to try to explain to folks that Napoleon Dynamite is comedy sprung from our basest bullying instinct — and it's that much more disheartening to have to point out that Nacho Libre is about how funny our musty stereotypes of Mexicans are because of the way they talk and the things they like to watch.
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