Sentences with phrase «how absence»

I've shared in the past how the absence of this turned into a year long nightmare for a woman who was the beneficiary of her fiance's life insurance.
The plaintiffs fail to allege, however, how the absence of their suggested changes caused any user an injury.
At the NSRLP blog, here is an article on lawyers, empathy, and how the absence of empathy as a professional ideal might contribute to A2J problems.
There's also the question of how the absence of contrails — or condensation clouds — from commercial airplanes will affect the climate in the short term.
And he says researchers increasingly are studying the ice for clues on how its absence is impacting other parts of the planet.
An example from the world of economics of how the absence of wisdom might be playing out as we speak.
How the absence of colour is just the start of the journey that Cao Fei is taking with the BMW Art Car # 18
Through the dialogues created by the juxtaposition of these artworks, the exhibition assesses how absence can actively give form to space, a subject that has preoccupied artists over the past half century, as well as examining how viewers might encounter these «empty» spaces.
Together, the work of these two artists will demonstrate how the absence of certain figures and communities in art has preempted their recognition in national history, and, in the process, will reclaim a space for them in the art historical context.»
It really have yet to be seen how the absence of these employees will effect the Call of Duty titles developed by Infinity Ward, but the loss of four major employees may be a cause for concern among fans.
Of course they don't — but just consider how the absence of such fears enhances the trust and connection you feel from them!
While most have been worried about how the absence of this tool will impact college applicants who are applying for financial aid, experts are warning that many current borrowers could have trouble with their repayment programs without the tool's resources.
A new survey by researchers shows that secondary students don't really know how many days they miss from school each year, or how their absence rate compares with their peers.
The students recognize how the absence of support services affects the futures of disadvantaged children.
Though it is not widely shown in the story, the director made it a point to show how absence of a family affects the upbringing of a child.
An indictment of tribalist maxims, a simple and heartfelt portrayal of how we cling to the things that we love most in the dark even after they've long gone, a warning about how the absence of those things can metastasize into hostility at what (or whom) we assume is responsible for their loss - even by association, and of course a thrilling sci - fi blockbuster with kick - ass action scenes enriched by thematic and symbolic meaning.
«By showing how the absence of SIRT3 can exacerbate obesity, Dr. Verdin's group offers important clues concerning new ways to alleviate the symptoms of this American epidemic.»
Flatworms that spent five weeks aboard the International Space Station are helping researchers led by Tufts University scientists to study how an absence of normal gravity and geomagnetic fields can have anatomical, behavioral, and bacteriological consequences, according to a paper to be published June 13 in Regeneration.
Scientists have studied FMRP for decades, but how its absence leads to fragile X syndrome hasn't been completely clear.
The research adds to a growing body of evidence underscoring how specific experiences are necessary to shape the developing brain, and how the absence of specific inputs can have long - lasting effects on perception, neural processing, and behaviour.
Not only are they about the Kremlinology of days past: about how the absence of any relationship between Nick Clegg and Gordon Brown helped scupper a LibLab Coalition after the last election.
With Ben Roethlisberger out, we looked at how his absence affects bettors and how his replacements have done over the years.
Monitoring Market Share and Vegas lines are very important in predicting future performance, but so is accounting for how the absence of key players could impact the rest of the team.
Monitoring Market Share and Vegas line breakdowns are very important in predicting future performance, but so is accounting for how the absence of key players could impact the rest of the team.
Such a frank acknowledgment of the losses of secularism and of how the absence of religious faith leaves brides and grooms vulnerable to the edicts of consumer capitalism may surprise or offend some readers.
Any conscientious leader will first think about how your absence will affect business.
Using Massachusetts data, the author compares how absences affect the test performance of particular grades within specific schools, and how they affect the test performance of individual students as they progress through different grades.

Not exact matches

The truth lies in your corporate culture — how people behave in the absence of rules, and when they believe no one is watching.
The plan for acceptance of the award was viewed as a «both cool and funny» idea for how to deal with Butterfield's absence from the event, according to Slack spokeswoman Julia Blystone.
While it states that under the new policy, employees will still need to work «with their managers for coverage during their absences,» it doesn't get into how this process will work.
In the absence of such an incentive, how do the banks plan to develop the blockchain?
You'd be surprised how a little fresh air and circulation — and the absence of a computer — can spawn creative solutions to the day's problems.»
It came up when I asked a few wealthy VCs at a recent dinner how they would short bitcoin given the current absence of derivatives and other common trading strategies.
Justin Scott, a voter from Waterloo, asked the Catholic Republican presidential hopeful how his faith would impact his own belief in the absence of a higher power.
It's like the absence of the dollar sign makes you forget just how pricey the dish — or drink — in question truly is.
His absence raises questions of how Uber will be managed while he is away.
He saw firsthand how the lack of follow - up, proper access to information, and the absence of comprehensive care prevented patients from improving their health.
[259][260] The CBO released a report stating that the stimulus bill increased employment by 1 — 2.1 million, [260][261][262][263] while conceding that «It is impossible to determine how many of the reported jobs would have existed in the absence of the stimulus package.»
But it's the absence, to this point, of a «next big thing» that has industry watchers questioning how Apple plans to continue its profitability streak.
Garner specifically mentioned how he's going to feel the absence of coach Aaron Feis, who sacrificed his life to save students.
This would at least show lenders how responsible (or irresponsible) a person has been with his or her obligations in the past, even in the absence of loans and credit cards.
In deciding how to handle it, the first step is to recognise that the outlook for the economy is less favourable than it would have been in the absence of these events.
His absence could make it more likely that we'll see Trump double down in the future on his nationalist instincts on how the US trades with the world.
At the time of programming, you will have to know how much you want your dog to eat in your absence.
The increasingly strident rhetoric from both sides and absence of consensus among major powers on how to respond to North Korea's actions increased uncertainty, and by early September benchmark Treasury yields had fallen to their lowest level so far this year.
But in a major shift away from the previous Saudi - led policy of maintaining production to squeeze high - cost US shale - oil producers, OPEC countries agreed to target a lower level of 32.5 — 33.0 million barrels a day, although there was some skepticism about the absence of details on which members would curb output and by how much, which were delayed until the next meeting in November.
In the absence of any advice from David on how he might be helped in moving forward, one is left to one's own devices as to how to do what is conducive to that aim.
While some of the 150 + references can be interpreted in the way you mention, it is hard to see how the above statements could be metaphor for the absence of God.
Nor can you explain how, in the absence of evidence of any god, anyone could know in which god narrative he should invest his time to develop faith.
Also, it is fairly easy to conceive of any number of gods that have no interest in the universe, earth, or humanity, and thus neither interact with the world nor leave evidence of their own presence - how would you test for the presence or absence of such gods?
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