Sentences with phrase «how affordable the art»

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«Starting with the background of the blighted Hell's Kitchen neighborhood and the building's initial commercial failure in the mid-1970s, the story recounts how - in a moment of bold inspiration or maybe desperation - the buildings were're - purposed» as subsidized housing for people who worked in the performing arts, becoming one of the first intentional, government supported, affordable housing for artist residences.
The introduction by archives specialist Mary Savig explores the intersections between commercial holiday cards and the art world — how holiday cards were first marketed as «affordable art» and how selling their art to card companies often provided income for artists in lean times.
With the imperative to be functional, affordable, and collectible, Welcome Editions thinks beyond the established binary of the art market to demonstrate how the art community can be a greater catalyst for social engagement, while simultaneously cultivating artistic development and enabling meaningful means of employment.
In addition, we've met with city officials, developers, and community development groups to help them understand how tiny houses can be a good example of urban infill and serve as a small component of affordable housing strategies and creative arts spaces in cities.
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