Sentences with phrase «how bland it looked»

I played Far Cry back in the day, but skipped over 2 because of how bland it looked.

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This news is a bit bittersweet considering how — well, bland Disney's other live - action adaptation Cinderella looks so far.
Along the way, we go through every terrible origin - story trope, including the sacrificial family member, the love interest who - can - look - after - herself - but - not - really, the hero being told how special he is, the cartoony but bland villains, etc..
What ends up being disappointing is just how bland the game looks and sounds.
I get so depressed about how easily impressed many audiences are today when it comes to the bland action and spectacle so frequently offered up by Hollywood (looking at you strange, angry Transformers fans).
Charlize Theron was completely bland in Mad Max: Fury Road - you never buy for second she's bad ass — look to Linda Hamilton and Sigourney Weaver or even Geena Davis in The Long KIss Goodnight, to see how it's done right.
Seriously, this is one of the worst GS reviews I have seen... How can you even say with a straight face that the game looks bland and then hide the amazing art style in the shadow levels... worst of all, you can see the colorful and bright levels though the entire video.
I week or two before release launch I posted a few comments about how, based on the trailers, it looked like a cheap, bland Unity game priced at $ 80 CAD.
Best Looking Vita - Game When Bloodlines was released on the PSP, I was disappointed at how empty the game was when it came to its visuals — those repetitive textures and bland environments.
The art - style is indeed similar to previous games from the former Team ICO, but I can't get past how bland overall the setting is, and how bizarre the creature's feathers look as they blow with the wind.
«Every law firm looking to grow needs to have a basic understanding of this topic, because it is at the core of how Google ranks websites,» said Bland.
Simply taking a second look at your bland bullet points and figuring out how to write them in the most impactful way can increase a resume's effectiveness by over 50 %.
The colors are really soothing, and I love how neat everything looks — without being bland or boring.
I am so so excited to finally be sharing the full room reveal with you guys today!!!! It feels like so long ago that I started dreaming up ideas on how I planned to redo our once bland living room, and am glad I took all those before pictures to remember exactly what it looked like!
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