Sentences with phrase «how cellular components»

«With our colleagues at UC San Francisco, we will create single - cell tools to map how cellular components connect into circuits,» said the center's director, Leor Weinberger, PhD.
The Gladstone Center for Cell Circuitry (GC3) addresses this fundamental challenge by developing single - cell tools to map how cellular components connect into circuits.
The center creates single - cell tools to map how cellular components connect into circuits.

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Ribosomes, the cellular factories that manufacture proteins, contain both RNA and protein, but exactly how all of the different ribosomal components contribute to protein synthesis is still not clear.
Their main aim is to understand how mitochondria interact with other cellular components to maintain physiological homeostasis, and how mitochondrial defects lead to pathological states.
To find out why, computational biologists came up with a computer model to predict how microbial metabolism and cellular composition change as cell size varies, using details about how much space a bacterium needs for its components — DNA, proteins, and the molecular factories called ribosomes — to function.
The research team has been using NMR — a technique related to the one used in MRI body scanners and capable of visualising molecules at the smallest scales — to examine how small components of herpes virus help it to multiply by binding themselves with other large molecules; this produced images of a monkey herpes virus protein interacting with mouse cellular protein and viral RNA.
While previous research had shown that TTLL7 modifies microtubules (hollow tubes that transport cellular components and act as highways and scaffolding in the cell) by adding one or more molecules of the amino acid glutamate, exactly how has remained a mystery.
Although some of the key molecular components involved in the formation of cellular structures and tissue formation are known, we currently lack a bottoms up understanding of how the behavior of these molecules gives rise to the formation of large structures, partly because of the lack of tools for both studying the spatial regulation of soluble proteins and biophysically characterizing the behavior of large structures and tissues.
The BioVacSafe project will draw on the latest life science research findings to profile how individuals respond to the different components of vaccines at the cellular, genetic and molecular level.
One major goal is to unravel how the self - organization of cellular components results in the morphogenesis of dynamic molecular machines.
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