Sentences with phrase «how dangerous a place»

He was alone and vulnerable and in the jungle you are really aware of how dangerous a place it is, particularly for young unaccompanied minors because of all the mafia that are there and the people trafficking that goes on.

Not exact matches

«This ought to be a moment when people stop and remember how dangerous the system is when you don't have the proper protections in place
«This ought to be a moment where people stop and remember how dangerous the system is when you don't have the proper protections in place,» Lew said.
In fact, I'm in Cleveland now and this place feels like a Green Zone, so it's probable that the intense coverage on how dangerous this event could be is overblown.
This is to tell you how dangerous it can be for anyone not to have a solid retirement planning in place.
Austen adds another touch to indicate just how dangerous a position Edmund is in: the entire conversation takes place off the «great path» in the «serpentine» path of the wilderness walk.
Listen I keep seeing bumper stickers like «you can't be both Catholic and pro-choice» these are not reflective of my faith, theser are slogans made for propaganda, I have 2 beautiful children and I have never been on a position where abortion could even play a part, but it is a legal option to the public at large; this being said even the bible calls for us to be good citizens, and to obey the law, I believe that this is a matter that belongs with the family and not the state; no matter how we criminalize abortion, they will not stop, but people will go under - ground and more fatalities will occur, I rather see the government placing incentives on more conseling for these expectant mothers and more outreach done at church levels, to reduce the debate to a single slogan is dangerous and will not accomplish the ultimately goal of preventing abortions my two humble cents
This move places him in the second option outlined by Gustafson, and I am not sure Smith develops his notion of «paired concepts» in sufficient detail for us to decide how useful (or dangerous) such an approach may be.
How can the Home Office not know how dangerous it is for Christians like James to live in places like MosHow can the Home Office not know how dangerous it is for Christians like James to live in places like Moshow dangerous it is for Christians like James to live in places like Mosul?
Holding did ok but Chambers was very cocky how many miss passes in dangerous areas did he miss place why didn't he booted the ball way down the field and take the pressure off at the first half the commentator spook of the inexperience of the defense and that liverpool did nt put enough pressure klopp rectified that straight away bang bang bang with runners and no protection while wenger face went all red with nothing to say the only thing that saved us really was the injuries for the game to take a change MR wenger is far to slow to fix things what is wrong with him he most not be in good health or something personnel worrying him cause after all he is the manager his got to have a fast thinking brain smell danger and act fast not seat and debate the issue with bold
Holding did ok but Chambers was very cocky how many miss passes in dangerous areas did he miss place why didn't he booted the ball way down the field and take the pressure off at the first half the commentator spook of the inexperience of the defense and that liverpool did nt put enough pressure klopp rectified that straight away bang bang bang while wenger face went all red with nothing to say the only thing that saved us really was the injuries for the game to take a change MR is far to slow to fix things what is wrong with him he most not be in good health cause after all he is the manager his got to have a fast thinking brain smell danger and act fast not seat and debate the issue with bold
Arsenal fans will already know how Van Persie used to deliberately leave his foot and leg in dangerous places after tackles — inviting injury.
I had a dangerous case of postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety, and I didn't realize how bad it had become until I was placed in a day - treatment mental health program when my youngest son was 15 months old.
Placed sitters often fall without trying to slow it, and even forcefully extend backwards because they haven't learned how counterproductive (and dangerous) that is.
Blending CGI and live action, this «squeakquel» to the witless 2007 kids» film proves just how dangerous such technology is when placed in the wrong hands.
In a time when students come to school armed, and sometimes use their weapons on teachers, and when both teachers and students see school as a dangerous place, how can trust have a role?
* Training / Behavior Modification hasn't resulted in an acceptable change in the dog; * There is significant risk and / or evidence that dog is going to seriously injure someone; aggression problems don't automatically mean the dog will injure someone or is dangerous; I am referring to the idea that even with reasonable precautions, supervision, training and behavior modification, the dog is still going to get around all of that and hurt someone; * You have made a reasonable effort to work with the dog and situation; meaning you have PAID a professional to help you, worked the situation properly and diligently, and you still can't trust the dog to not hurt itself, another animal or a person; * The dog is so dangerous you can't place the dog with someone else; * The owner isn't willing, or is unable, or unqualified, to work with the dog any further, even with supervised professional help; some people won't follow instructions, so some of these dogs would be fine in the hands of someone else, but not the current owner; * Regardless what you do (behavior modification, training, and / or behavioral medications) nothing has made the dog manageable, and your trainer is recommending you consider euthanasia; * Even behavioral medications can't alleviate the problem; I am experienced working with drugs prescribed by veterinarians and can give you feedback as to how things are going, or when you might wish to consider another drug; * This dog is too dangerous to work with.
The firefighters learned how to find a femoral pulse (pictured center, above), how to place an injured animal on a backboard for transportation, how to apply oxygen masks, and were given tips on approaching fearful and often, dangerous, wounded animals.
But this makes me wonder how many of the «bull mastiffs» in the category that places them among the top dangerous dogs, are really the mastiff breed from Brazil, not the English bullmastiffs.
Our rescue golden boy had some separation issues early on which drove my husband crazy and worried me to death since he was prone to swallowing dangerous objects (how he came into rescue in the first place).
Click here to listen to the full interview and hear Joes's additional advice about learning how to do homework about traveling to places people don't know about or are erroneously painted as too dangerous.
These stories might change their perceptions on how they think about a place, thereby spurring curiosity about other parts of the world rather than thinking that place is dangerous.
Kanika Saigal writes for Quartz how threatened elephants that live in dangerous countries are deciding to migrate to safe places, like the Chobe National Park in northern Botswana — a sprawling 4,517 square mile (11,700 square kilometers) sanctuary where elephants can live their elephant lives without having to worry about being shot from a helicopter.
While MAR is attacking and ridiculing comments by Killian here about 2C in another place he is going gangbusters attacking agw / cc deniers / skeptics about THE FACT how dangerous 2C is, and the rising CO2ppm projections (and the IMPACTS of that) via scientific refs and so on.
vukcevic says: October 20, 2012 at 2:47 am Only place where magnetic needle would accurately follow (long term solar activity) You are confusing the issues [shows how dangerous a little knowledge can be].
Conway's account of his collaboration with Oreskes on this «tobacco industry - connected climate scientists» matter doesn't offer a clearer picture of why atmospheric physicist Dr S Fred Singer was seemingly «the most dangerous man on the planet», it begs for deeper investigation of why and how this portrayal of him coalesced in the first place.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Accidents No matter how careful a bicyclist or pedestrian is, the road is a dangerous place to drive or walk on.
The roads can be a dangerous place regardless of how safe of a driver you are.
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