Sentences with phrase «how deuterium»

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«The amount of deuterium is an important clue to how much water has been lost over time,» Grinspoon says.
The team succeeded by using deuteration, or the substitution of deuterium atoms for hydrogen atoms, to study how hydroxyl is produced.
Among the puzzles is how temperature affects the ability of lithium to absorb and retain the deuterium particles that stray from the fuel that creates fusion reactions.
The experiments showed that the ability of ultrathin lithium films to retain deuterium drops as the temperature of the molybdenum substrate rises — a result that provides insight into how lithium affects the performance of tokamaks.
Yet, even today he doesn't know how a commercial energy source could be constructed for the palladium - deuterium system, despite his many experiments that have produced significant excess heat correlated with helium production.
JET researchers are testing how the machine behaves when filled with individual hydrogen isotopes before attempting burns with deuterium and tritium — the fuel for fusion — in 2019.
Although future ADS systems will use protons beams and a heavy metal target to produce neutrons, Guinevere's neutron source — deuterium ions hitting a tritium target — is powerful enough to simulate how a bigger machine like Myrrha will behave, says Abderrahim.
Brown dwarfs are not considered stars because they are too small to fuse hydrogen in their cores — they don't have the gravitational oomph in their core to sustain hydrogen fusion, but, depending on how massive they are, they do have enough mass to sporadically fuse elements like lithium and deuterium.
Finally, Webb will look at ratios of heavy water — water molecules that contain a deuterium atom instead of hydrogen — to water in the planet - forming disks, helping trace how the water formed and under what conditions.
How did deuterium (heavy hydrogen) form, and why is its concentration in comets twice as great as in earth's oceans and 20 — 100 times greater than in interstellar space and the solar system as a whole?
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