Sentences with phrase «how disobedient»

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Our dog was a self - willed, disobedient, and unhappy dog, and How to Raise a Puppy rightly makes me feel convicted under sin.
Christians should care about as much what the Bible says regarding homosexuality as they do about how it commands parents to stone their disobedient children to death.
Christians should care as much about what the Bible says regarding homosexuality as they do about how it commands parents to stone their disobedient children to death.
I'd also throw in items such as stoning non-virgins on their wedding night in front of their parents, killing your disobedient children, can sell your daughter into 7 years of slavery for cash, rules on how badly you can beat your slaves.
Why did he advocate slavery with guidelines on how badly you can beat them, or honor killings of disobedient children, or the great flood that wiped out all living beings except for a chosen family?
I still remember how, when I was a pastor, I thought that it was the good, godly, obedient people who «went to church» and everybody else was just irreligious or disobedient.
What he found is that it was children's perception of how much time they spent with their fathers that had the most impact on bullying behavior, such as being cruel to others, being disobedient at school, hanging around kids who get in trouble, having a very strong temper and not being sorry for misbehaving.
Barbara Hosking's book, Exceeding My Brief, Memoirs of a Disobedient Civil Servant, tells how she came to London as a Cornish scholarship girl just after the second world war.
Adolescents» conduct problems were assessed at ages 13 and 14 by survey questions like «In the past year, how often have you: a) been disobedient in school, b) lied to your parents, c) stolen from a store, d) been involved in a gang fight, and e) damaged public or private property for fun?»
How do you differentiate between kids with ODD and those who are willfully disobedient, such as those those whose explosive behavior is goal - directed?
Even though you have scolded them before, they are not being stubborn or disobedient; this is just how cats are.
But how do they turn disobedient, violent, aggressive, and totally out of control?
If your Dog has become too noisy or disobedient or aggressive, our Dog Lovers Training Course will teach you how to obedience train it and stop it from barking and biting.
To learn how to deal with a dominant or disobedient Border Collie, I highly suggest you check out the Border Collie Owners Guide.
So although owning a smart dog can be a lot of fun, it is also something you need to know how to handle or else you will have manipulative and disobedient trouble maker on your hands.
To learn more about how to deal with a disobedient and dominant Border Collie, check out the Border Collie Owners Guide.
How to turn your unruly, disobedient Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever into a loving, friendly companion.
Viewing such a bold exhibition at the Victoria & Albert Museum shows us, quite neatly in line with «Disobedient Objects», how the contemporary art world is no longer limiting expression but instead celebrating it.
Disobedient Bodies Northern Irish designer Jonathan Anderson has fashioned a show for the Hepworth Wakefield gallery that examines how sculpture and clothing subvert the human body.
How did giving her attention for being disobedient teach her that she needed to obey?
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