Sentences with phrase «how doctoral education»

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Gaab's interest in working at the intersection of basic, clinical, and education research was piqued when she was doing her doctoral work in neuroscience, studying how auditory or musical training affects the brain.
I completed an M.A.T. in secondary education, specializing in biology, at Winthrop University with the intent of teaching high - school science, but I decided instead to enter the University of Toledo's doctoral program in biology because the kid in me still wanted to learn how things worked.
2013 Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Program, NCSU 2013 Making the Most of Mentoring in Doctoral Education and Postdoctoral Life, NCSU 2012 Distance Education and Learning Technology Applications seminar series: Introduction to the DE classroom, NCSU 2012 Fundamental in Teaching seminar series: Designing an Effective Course Syllabus, NCSU 2012 Fundamental in Teaching seminar series: Managing Disruptive Classroom Behavior, NCSU 2012 Fundamentals in Teaching seminar series: Classroom Assessment Techniques, NCSU 2012 Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching (CoAT) Program, NCSU 2010 Preparing Future Leaders seminar series, Introduction to teaching, NCSU 2010 Preparing Future Leaders seminar series, How to write a research introduction, NCSU 2010 Preparing Future Leaders seminar series, Teaching in the lab, NCSU 2010 Preparing Future Leaders seminar series, Getting your research published, NCSU 2010 Preparing Future Leaders seminar series, Postdoc or Professional: what path will you choose?
In a study of 90 English language learners in a Southern California public school system, Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Nonie Lesaux, along with then - doctoral students Michael Kieffer and Amy Crosson, took a closer look at why these children fall behind, and how new instructional strategies might redress the balance.
Developmental psychologists Robert Selman and Emily Weinstein — respectively, a professor and an advanced doctoral student at the Harvard Graduate School of Education — have embarked on a project to learn more about what teens are encountering online, how they cope with it, and how their digital interactions color their close offline relationships.
In research stemming from her doctoral thesis at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Greenhow not only found an increasing awareness by Sommers and other students of the potential of these sites to express their creativity and explore their interests, but also the potential to complement lessons in more formal educational settings — if teachers can just figure out how to use them.
But, as Dockterman discovered when he enrolled in the Ed School's doctoral program — admittedly unsure of how he was going to make greater impact in education — he was not against technology in education after all, and he began investigating the question, how can educators leverage technology in teaching?
The PIER Fellowship program is designed to train doctoral students on how to partner with school districts for the purpose of education research.
Jack Dieckmann, Ph.D., a former senior math education specialist at IDRA and current doctoral student at Stanford, discusses how teacher training needs to validate teacher experience and address multiple dimensions like content and language development.
UIC's EdD in Urban Education Leadership doctoral program is showing how to make that happen at scale.
Jack Dieckmann, M.A., a former senior math education specialist at IDRA and current doctoral student at Stanford under Dr. Linda Darling Hammond, how teachers can converse with parents as peers even though they may have no knowledge of math instruction.
I would very much like to review a copy of your new publication to see where it might fit into our PhD program in Sustainability Education and see how it might fit for our doctoral students who are teaching at other institutions.
Ensure that you list your degrees in order of hierarchy — you'd be shocked by how many people have extensive education sections in which their doctoral degrees are listed last!
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