Sentences with phrase «how dogs feel»

This is how dogs feel when they walk across marble, granite, ceramic tile and hardwood floors.
If your stressed out then be patient because you must know how these dogs feel.
The temperature as it registers on a thermometer isn't the only environmental factor that affects how dogs feel the cold.
In recent years, veterinarians have made great progress in understanding how dogs feel pain and the best ways to manage that pain.
This will not be a quick fix as the training programme needs to work on changing how your dog feels about strangers and dogs, and there are plenty of different scenarios to cover.
If you've ever had a hangnail or cut your nails too short and got to sensitive skin, you know just how your dog feels when he breaks or cracks a nail.
Although you may spend every day with your dog, it's a good bet that you don» t always know how your dog feels.
We can't avoid needles and thermometers entirely, but we don't need to — instead, we can focus on changing how your dog feels about the rest of his experience at the clinic.
I call myself a trainer and behaviorist because I'm not just concerned about what the dog does, but how the dog feels about what it is doing.
It is about being just as concerned about what the dog does as about how the dog feels about what it does.
That's how a dog feels with stenotic nares feels.
The way you speak to your dog, and the way others speak to him, including the mood you are in and the tone of voice you use, will affect how your dog feels and reacts.
Or possibly they just don't care how their dog feels about it, but it's just so darned cute!
The behavior modification program combines positive reinforcement training with relaxation exercises, and counter-conditioning - meaning changing how the dog feels and responds to something - to address leash reactivity (dogs, people, noises), lunging, excessive barking, destructive chewing, jumping, over-excitement, poor impulse control, fearfulness, noise - phobias, resource guarding, compulsive behaviors, house - soiling, and multi-pet disagreements.
Instead, the interpretation of the dog's feelings has to transcend mere clinical and objective observation and instead, we have to feel how the dog feels.
When I asked them how the dog felt about that, they said he loved it so, in fact, they were rewarding the behavior and not curtailing it.
Imagine how this dog feels!
So if you think wearing a prong collar would hurt, imagine how your dog feels.
When she came back out to her car, a cop was waiting and made her sit in the hot car to see how her dog felt!
Change How Your Dog Feels About the Threat By using positive reinforcement techniques you can actually change the way your dog feels about a certain situation for the better and therefore change his emotional and behavioral response.
Successfully managing leash aggression can take time, but as long as you stay consistent and provide positive alternatives to how the dog experiences things, you can literally change how the dog feels about being on the leash.
Dog body language can be complex, so it's sometimes difficult to tell how a dog feels at any given moment.
Systematic Desensitization and Counterconditioning When the problem is rooted in how a dog feels about a particular thing, it sometimes isn't enough to just teach him a different behavior — like to fetch a toy instead of howling, for example.
You might already know exactly how your dog feels about hugs.
It's good to be sure how your dog feels when you hug him or her, and how he feels when strangers go in for a hug, especially since hugs mean putting your face next to a sharp set of teeth.
It will still fall on you to ensure that your guests are safe, regardless of how the dog feels or what the dog does, or what the trainer did or didn't tell you.
They'll use techniques like desensitization and Pavlovian conditioning to change how your dog feels when bumped awake.
An X-ray does not always show you how your dog feels, as many dysplastic Flat - Coats are completely unaware that they have a problem.

Not exact matches

Our dog was a self - willed, disobedient, and unhappy dog, and How to Raise a Puppy rightly makes me feel convicted under sin.
To give you some sense of how some Syrian Sunnis feel about Alawites, here's what Adnan Anour, a cleric who fled to Saudi Arabia, has said: «As for those Alawites who violate what is sacred, when the Muslims rule and are the majority of 85 %, we will chop you up and feed you to the dogs
Instead do something loving and kind for yourself while you work out how to help yourself — make a lovely nourishing meal, drink a cup of tea in a warm bath and snuggle your dog, just do something that helps you feel positive and inspired.
How do you feel about the dog days of summer?
I often look in my little dog's eyes and feel humbled by how much I love her.
oh dear i had to put down my 18 year old tiger two weeks ago and in beginning in october my beloved old dog i know how it feels to hold them passing my best wishes to your dad lg birgit
I just have to be aware of how often I wear them because it's never fun to wake up to a feeling like a dog just bit my foot because it cramps up in the middle of the night.
Just how important his late goal against a dogged and resilient West Brom yesterday that earned Arsenal all three points at the Emirates stadium will be in the grand scheme of things, only time will tell, but it felt like a massive moment for the Gunners in our challenge for the Premier League title.
Like watching the last episode of How I Met Your Mother, knowing the show had gone to the dogs for years, but still being best by a feeling of melancholy knowing that you'd never see Barney Stinson's shenanigans again.
2004 was so many European memories back, that many Milanisti may not remember how it feels to be top dogs in Italy again.
this is a dog eat dog world and football today is no different, we need to build a winning team, how do you do that if every time we have a good player we sell him just because we feel we are being unfair?
Just this morning I was thinking about how much I'm going to miss my 3 cats and dog and my 2 - yr - old nephew that I care for 3 days a week and how that was probably NOTHING compared to how it feels for moms with young kids to leave them!
i have actual tears on my face, i seriously haven't laughed like that for a long, long time... i had a similar experience with one of my girlfriends, i just couldn't understand how she could feel so differently towards her dog after having her kids... then a year later, i understood.
That said, there were a number of passages I highlighted and pages I dog - eared when I thought «holy crap YES — THAT is exactly how I felt
That's how Dexter feels - he's fine with starting Kindergarten but his stuffed dog is an «eensy teensy» bit scared.
Both me and my husband love how comfortable it is, the snap closure, the look and feel of it, also how useful it is for our daily dog walks and how easy it makes traveling with a baby.
Their hot mom — worthy fabrics will make you feel pretty, no matter how dog - tired you are.
Lower variety situations (walking the dog, walking to work, and walking to the grocery store) impressed upon the customer how often they were using their sneakers, leading them to feel they were getting a lot of value from the product.
«Our research shows that having a pet dog present when a child is undergoing a stressful experience lowers how much children feel stressed out,» Kertes said.
According to researchers, dogs can understand how we're feeling.
«We're trying to get more at the dog's welfare, how they're feeling on a larger timescale, not just 10 or 15 minutes,» Gunter said.
Flipping my wrists in plank and downward - facing dog elicited more sensation than usual... so you can imagine how liberating it felt to do a supported fish with a block underneath the heart space at the end of practice.
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